Page 19 - Computer Class 02
P. 19

2.      Who does operations in hospitals with the help of computer?

                            a)  Surgeon                                       b)  Nurses

                            c)  Patients                                      d)  Compounders

                    3.      What is used in keeping records of employees in offices?

                            a)  Banks                                         b)  Airports

                            c)  Computer                                      d)  Home

             B.     Name any six places where computers are being used.

                    1.      _________________                          2.     _________________

                    3.      _________________                          4.     _________________

                    5.      _________________                          6.     _________________

             C.     Fill in the blanks.

                    1.      Computers  are  used  to  maintain  records  of  patients  in


                    2.      In ____________         , question papers are prepared for students.

                    3.      A _________        designs the jewelleries with the help of computer.

                    4.      We can check the records of ____________                        and ____________
                            of trains and flights on a computer.

             Descriptive Type Questions

             Answer the following questions.

                    1.      What do you use your computer for?
                    2.      Who prepares your reports on the computer in your school?

                    3.      Which  machine  helps  you  to  withdraw  money  from  your


                    4.      Why are computers used in schools? Write any two uses.

                    5.      Who uses computer to design a rocket?

                                                      Computer-1                    Computer-2              19
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