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of this natural environment like other plants and They learnt to grow crops, domesticate animals
animals. The natural processes like photosynthe- and build houses. They invented the wheel,
sis, soil formation, weather and climate are also a barter system, trade and commerce. Transporta-
part of our natural environment. Through these tion became faster. Large-scale production was
processes recycling of the earth’s waste material possible through Industrial revolution. Communi-
takes place. In the absence of these processes, cation became easier and speedy across the
the earth would have been a big graveyard of world. They have formed an artificial ecosystem.
dead plants, animals and their remains. No one A perfect balance is necessary between the natural
can imagine the conditions on the surface of the and man-made environment. If we use the sources
earth in the absence of these natural processes. provided by environment wisely, we can establish
Man-made Environment a healthy balance. We should use our resources
Human environment is the man-made environ- wisely and learn to conserve them. Natural
ment. It has been modified by humans according resources like wood, minerals, water, air are
to their needs. Before technology evolved, precious and essential for survival. If we do not
human beings would adapt themselves to the use them wisely, we may run out of them one day.
natural environment. They led a simple life and We should think about our future generations.
fulfilled their requirements from the nature OUR ENVIRONMENT IN DANGER
around them. With time, their needs grew and The environment in its totality is characterised by
became more varied. Human learnt new ways to many balances. For example, the air around us is
change their environment according to their constituted of various gases as described under
needs. the atmosphere earlier. It is the proportion of
these gases in air that make it fit for breathing by
living things. This proportion of gases in air is
also described as balances of gases in air. Similar
balances exist in the water we drink, the soils in
which plants grow and various other processes
taking place on the earth. There is also balance
between continents and oceans found on the
surface of the earth. The balance in our environ-
ment is the order of nature. Al Gore, former US
Democratic Presidential candidate, in 2000,
Natural Environment
appropriately described this balance in our
environment as the “Earth in the Balance” in his
book of the same name. In this book, he has
warned that the future of our environment is in
grave danger. The human actions have specially
caused this imbalance in our environment. These
human actions are like rapid population growth,
pollution, hunting of wild animals, felling of trees
resulting in deforestation and disappearance of
many plant and animal species and the like.
Man-made Environment
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