Page 113 - SST Class 07
P. 113
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Our Environment
All human beings and living organisms live on The two types of environments interact with each
the earth. The earth is the home of all living other. They change in course of time from place
beings. Only earth can support life among all to place. These changes take place due to natural
eight planets. processes and human activities. Some of them
The environment of the earth supplies the basic are as under :
necessities for life and supports large number of g The landforms are being modified by
life forms. We are dependent on the environment various natural and human activities.
for our food, fibers, medicines, shelter, raw g We experience changes in the climatic
materials, water, air, soil, energy and sustenance conditions in different seasons.
of all living organisms.
g Everyday some species of plants and
The term ‘environment’ refers to our total sur- animals become extinct and new species
roundings including the components of the evolve.
biophysical (Natural = Physical + Biological)
g The evolution of human beings was due to
world and the cultural, social, political and
change in the environment.
economic activities of the people. The environ-
g Any change in the natural environment
ment includes the things we can see and touch
causes variations in the human environment
such as the political and economic system,
and vice versa.
technology, religion and the institutions that
operate in the society. There are many types of
environments including those where nature is ENVIRONMENT
obvious and dominant (such as in Antarctica or The physical and biological elements in the
the rain forest of Central Africa) and those where environment are dynamic in nature. The envi-
human beings are dominant (such as in London ronment differs from place to place and from one
and Delhi). time in history to another. For example, the
environment of Himalaya is different from that of
great Indian Desert or the Sundarban. Changes
take place slowly or suddenly in the nature of
landforms. Climatic conditions, change in differ-
ent seasons. Plants and animals become extinct
in the course of time. New species of plants and
animals get evolved and adapt to the new
environment. Changes in environment were
responsible for the evolution of human beings
about one million years ago. The distribution of
Natural Environment continents and oceans has also varied during the
Social Science-7 113