Page 109 - SST Class 07
P. 109

Balaji Vishwanath (1713-1720)                          Bala Baji Rao (1740-1761)

             Balaji  Vishwanath  took  advantage  of  the  weak-    Balaji  Baji  Rao  was  the  next  Peshwa.  After  the
             ness  of  the  Later  Mughals  to  capture  more       death of Shahu in 1749, he became the head of
             territories.  He  forced  Farrukhsiyar  to  return  all   the Marathas. He shifted the capital from Satara
             the  territories  which  had  been  under  Shivaji.    to  Poona  (now  Pune).  During  his  reign,  the
             Besides, the Marathas also got the right to collect    Maratha  armies  reached  as  far  as  Punjab  and
             chauth  and  sardeshmukhi  from  six  provinces  in    Rajasthan in the north and Bengal and Odisha in
             the Deccan.                                            the  east.  The  kingdoms  of  Mysore  and
             Baji Rao I (1720-1740)                                 Hyderabad  were  forced  to  hand  over  territories
                                                                    and pay tribute. Under Balaji Baji Rao, Maratha
             Baji  Rao  I  succeeded  Balaji  Vishwanath.  He
                                                                    power was at its zenith.
             conquered Malwa, Southern Gujarat and parts of
             Bundelkhand.  Towards  the  south,  he  defeated       Third Battle of Panipat (1761)
             the  Nizam  of  Hyderabad  and  got  the  right  to    The Marathas became weak after their defeat at
             collect taxes from some provinces of the Deccan.       the  hands  of  Ahmad  Shah  Abdali  in  the  Third
             He also captured Salsette and Bassein from the         Battle  of  Panipat.  The  various  Maratha  chiefs
             Portuguese.  He  is  known  as  the  ‘Fighting         broke away and started ruling over small areas.
             Peshwa’  as  he  spent  greater  part  of  his  reign   This battle also allowed the English to strengthen
             fighting wars.                                         their position in India.


              Provinces   :  a principal administrative division of a country or empire
              Suppressed  :  forcibly put to an end
              Spirituality  :  the  quality  of  being  concerned  with  the  human  spirit  or  soul  as  opposed  to  material  or
                             physical things
              Plundered  :  steal  goods  from  (a  place  or  person),  typically  using  force  and  in  a  time  of  war  or  civil

             Inside Story
             Inside Story
              g  The decay of the Mughal empire started during the last 25 years of Aurangzeb’s reign.
              g  Three of the largest provinces to become independent were Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad.

              g  Saadat Khan and his successors virtually ruled Awadh as independent rulers.
              g  Muhammad Shah was powerless to stop him and had to agree to all his decisions.
              g  Guru Gobind Singh asked all Sikh men to wear five sacred symbols.
              g  Haider Ali defeated then in the First Anglo-Mysore War in 1769.
              g  The Sardeshmukhi was an additional one-tenth of the land revenue.

              g  Balaji Vishwanath took advantage of the weakness of the Later Mughals to capture more

              g  Baji Rao I succeeded Balaji Vishwanath. He conquered Malwa, southern Gujarat and parts
                  of Bundelkhand.
              g  The Marathas became weak after their defeat at the hands of Ahmad Shah Abdali in the
                  Third Battle of Panipat.

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