Page 106 - SST Class 07
P. 106
Hyderabad The most enlightened Rajput ruler of this period
Chin Qilich Khan was a powerful noble in the was Sawai Raja Jai Singh of Amber. He encour-
court of Farrukhsiyar and Muhammad Shah. He aged the teaching and learning of science. Sawai
was awarded the title of ‘Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Raja Jai Singh founded the city of Jaipur and
Jah’ and given the responsibility of governing the made it his capital. He was also interested in
Deccan provinces. He carved out the state of astronomy and built many observatories.
Hyderabad which he ruled as an independent Raja Jai Singh was only 11 years old when he
ruler. He appointed mansabdars and granted became king. Aurangzeb gave him the title of
them jagirs without the permission of the Mughal ‘Sawai’ meaning one and quarter times more of
king. Muhammad Shah was powerless to stop a man.
him and had to agree to all his decisions. The Punjab under the Sikhs
successors of Nizam-ul-Mulk were known as the The Sikhs became a strong political and military
Nizam. force under Guru Gobind Singh. He organised
Oudh (Awadh) the Sikhs into a military group called the Khalsa
Saadat Khan was another important officer who (meaning ‘the pure’). He inspired his soldiers to
had helped the Mughal emperor in overthrowing fight the Mughals through the slogan ‘Waheguru
the Sayyid Brothers. As a reward, he was ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji Ki Fateh’. It means that
appointed Governor of Oudh. His son-in-law, the Khalsa belongs to God and all victories of the
Safdarjang, who succeeded him as the Nawab, Khalsa are victories of God.
also became the Wazir of the Mughal empire Guru Gobind Singh asked all Sikh men to wear
after the death of Mohammad Shah. As the five sacred symbols. These were:
Mughal power declined, he founded an inde- ‘Kesha’ or hair—Cutting or removing hair from
pendent dynasty in Oudh and took measures to any part of the body was not allowed as hair is a
improve the administration of his province.
symbol of spirituality and signified surrender to
Under him and his son, Shuja-ud-Daula, a new God’s will.
period of peace and prosperity set in. The
‘Kangha’ or comb—It is a symbol of cleanliness.
Nawabs of Oudh, who had assumed the title of
Just as when we comb our hair, similarly we
‘Naib Wazir’, appointed both the Hindus and
should comb out the bad thoughts from our
Muslims to important offices. They had a power-
ful army and their authority extended up to
‘Kara’ or bracelet—It acts as a reminder to stop a
Rohilkhand, where the Rohilla Chiefs of Afghan
person when he raises his hand to do anything
origin were clamouring to establish an independ-
ent principality of their own. The Rohillas were
‘Kaccha’ or underwear—It is a symbol of high
so called as they had migrated from the Roh
moral character.
mountain range of the North-West Frontier.
‘Kirpan’ or dagger—It is to be used to defend the
The Rajputs
helpless and uphold the truth.
Most of the Rajput kings, since the reign of
After Guru Gobind Singh, the Sikhs were led by
Akbar, had been allies of the Mughals. During the
Banda Bahadur. He continued the struggle
reign of Aurangzeb, however, they revolted. By
against the Mughals.
the early eighteenth century, most of the Rajput
states had become independent. In the second half of the eighteenth century, the
Social Science-7 106