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which included both Hindus and Muslims came            name and fame spread far and wide before his
             to be known as Kabir Panthis.                          death  in  1539.  Nanak  laid  great  emphasis  on
             Guru Nanak                                             purity  of  character  and  conduct  as  the  first
                                                                    condition  for  approaching  God.  Guru  Nanak
             Guru  Nanak,  from  whose  teachings  the  Sikh
                                                                    expressed  his  ideas  through  hymns  called
             religion  is  derived,  was  born  in  the  village  of
                                                                    “Shabad”  in  Punjabi  –  the  language  of  the
             Talwandi (Now called Nankana) on the bank of
                                                                    region.  Guru  Nanak  would  sing  these  hymns
             river Ravi in 1469.
                                                                    while his attendant Mardana played the musical
             Guru Nanak also spoke of
                                                                    instrument  rabab.  Like  Kabir,  he  also  rejected
             one God and believed
                                                                    idol  worship,  pilgrimage  and  rituals.  He  also
             that God can be reached
                                                                    rejected  distinctions,  based  on  caste,  wealth,
             through selfless love and
                                                                    creed  and  gender.  Nanak  allowed  women  to
             devotion. It is said that
                                                                    attend,  his  ideas  led  to  the  rise  of  a  new  faith
             Nanak toured all over
                                                                    called Sikhism. Guru Nanak was the 1st Guru of
             India and even beyond to
                                                                    Sikhs.  The  nine  descendants  of  Guru  Nanak
             Sri Lanka in the south
                                                                    are— Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram
             and Mecca and Medina in
                                                                    Das,  Guru  Arjan  Dev,  Guru  Har  Govind,  Guru
             the west. He attracted a
                                                                    Har Rai, Guru Har Kishan, Guru Tegh Bahadur
             large number of people
                                               Guru Nanak           and Guru Gobind Singh.
             towards him and his

                         THE SUFI MOVEMENT                          In these Khanqahs, there were open kitchens or
             The  counterpart  of  Bhakti  Movement  was  the       langars.  Khanqahs  were  open  to  all.  When  the
             Sufi  Movement  in  Islam.  The  Sufi  saints  too,    pir  or  the  Sufi  saint  who  was  the  head  of  the
             believed  in  reaching  God  through  love  and        Khanqah  died,  his  grave  would  become  a
             devotion  and  in  being  kind  and  compassionate     Dargah  and  a  centre  of  pilgrimage.  Sufi  saints
             towards all the people. The sufis were disgusted       developed  elaborate  methods  of  training  using
             by the vulgar display of wealth and loss of moral      Zikr  hanting  of  the  name  or  scared  formula
             values  among  the  rich  Muslims.  They,  like  the   contemplation,  sama  (singing),  ragas  (dancing)
             Bhakti saints, spoke of a simple society free from     and discussion of parables.
             greed and materialism. Like the Bhakti-poets, the
             Sufis  too  composed  poems  expressing  their
             unconditional love towards God and humanity.
             Gradually,  the  Sufis  were  organised  into  12
             orders  of  Silsilahs.  The  chief  among  them  were
             the Suhrawardi and Chishti Silsilah. The Silsilah
             was led by a Sufi saint who lived in their abodes
             or  hospices,  called  Khanqah  along  with  their
             disciples.  Devotees  of  all  classes  from  the  ordi-
             nary people to the upper-class nobility and even
             royalty  regularly  came  to  these  Khanqahs.
                                                                                   Khwaja Nizamuddin

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