Page 98 - SST Class 07
P. 98


                                                        The Bhakti Saints and              NORTH INDIA
                                                   The Region Associated with Them
                 AFGHANISTAN                                                      In North India, Bhakti Movement
                                                                                  spread after 13th century by great
                                 HIMACHAL                                         saints like Kabir, Nanak, Tulsidas,
                    PAKISTAN  Guru Nanak           CHINA                          Ravidas and Mirabai. The names of
                              15 – 16th C
                                                                                  Kabir and Nanak stand out among
                                DELHI        NEPAL
                        Dadu                             BHUTAN                   those who were the most critical of
                        16th – 17th C.  Surdas
                                       16th C.
                        Mirabai       Ramananda 16C.                              the unjust social order and the caste
                        16th C.
                                      Kabir 15th – 16 C.   Chaitanya
                                      Raidas 15th C.   15th – 16th C.   BANGLADESH
                                      Vallabhacharya 15th – 16th C.               system and tried to promote Hindu-
              Tropic of Caner
                                      Tulsidas 16th – 17th C.
                                                                                  Muslim unity.
                   Narsi Mehta
                   15th C.
                                                                     MYANMAR      Tulsidas  and  Surdas  were  also
                       Jnaneshwar   Tukaram                                       Bhakti  saints.  Tulsidas  composed
                       13th C.
                            16th C.
                  ARABIAN           12th C.             BAY                       Ramcharitmanas written in Awadhi,
                    SEA   Namdev         Ramdas
                          13th – 14th C.
                                         17th C.       BENGAL
                                                                                  the  language  of  eastern  Uttar
                                    15th – 16th C.
                                                                                  Through this work, he expressed his
                           Manikkavasagar 9th C.
                           Ramanuja                                               complete  devotion  towards  Lord
                           11th – 12th C.
                                                                                  Ram.  Surdas,  another  Bhakti  poet,
                                                  C : CENTURY
                                                                                  expressed  his  devotion  to  Lord
                           Nammalvar 9th C.
                                                                                  Krishna  through  his  hymns  and
                                                                                  poetic compositions.
                              I  N  D   I  A    O  C   E  A   N
              In Kashmir, the Bhakti saints worshipped Shiva. One
              of the most important Bhakti saints of Kashmir was a
              woman named Lal Ded. In Gujarat, the spirit of Bhakti
              was preached by Vallabhacharya and Narshi Mehta.
              Namdev was one of the most famous poet saints of the
              13th  and  14th  century.  He  was  the  composer  of
              hundreds  of  devotional  songs.  Namdev  was  a  tailor,
              who later became a saint. His poems written in Marathi
              breath, a spirit of love and devotion to the God.
              Chaitanya – A Bhakti Saint of Bengal was devotee of
                                                                            Tulsidas                   Surdas
              Krishna.  His  teachings  were  popular  among  the  low
              castes  and  appealed  to  both  Hindus  and  Muslims.
              One of his important contributions was the composi-
              tion of devotional songs called Kirtana. Kirtanas were   Rama  Nanda  was  a  pioneer  of  Bhakti  movement  in
              sung by a large group, street singers with, singing and   North India. Hindus, Muslims, Dalits – all became his
              dancing. These songs were sung in praise of Hari and   disciples. Among his disciples were Kabir and Ravidas.

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