Page 97 - SST Class 07
P. 97

g    All  human  beings  are  equal.  God  neither     Virashaiva  or  Lingayat  Movement,  believed  in
                  creates  high  or  low  caste  people  nor  he    equality of all human beings and equal treatment
                  creates  Hindus  and  Muslims.  So,  people       of  women.  It  was  against  caste  system,  idol
                  should be tolerant of one another.                worship and all types of rituals.

             g    Share  the  pain  of  others.  Try  to  lesson  it.   Bhakti Movement Spreads in Maharashtra
                  Helping  fellow  human  beings  is  the  true     In the region of Maharashtra, Bhakti Movement
                  form of bhakti.                                   spread  from  the  13th  to  17th  century.  Bhakti
             g    Knowledge is an essential part of bhakti. It      saints  like  Namdev,  Eknath,  Tukaram  and
                  can be gained through a teacher (guru).           Janeshwar  composed  simple  Bhakti  songs  in
             g    A  devotee  can  express  bhakti  through         Marathi. These Bhakti saints worshipped a form
                  devotional music.                                 of  Vishnu  called  Vitthala  and  believed  that  god
                                                                    resides in the hearts of all the people of all castes
                                                                    and classes and can be reached through selfless
              w  Shankara  was  born  in  9th  century  in  Kerala.  He   devotion. These saint-poets rejected all kinds of
                 worshipped  Shiva  and  is  considered  to  be  great   rituals.  They  believed  in  selflessly  serving  their
                 because  he  immensely  helped  in  the  revival  of   fellow human beings and in sharing the pains of
                 Hinduism.                                          others.  Some  other  categories  of  Bhakti  saints
              w  A  famous  Bhakti  saint  of  South  India  was    like Nathpanthis, Siddhacharas and Yogis spoke
                 Ramanuja,  born  in  Tamil  Nadu.  He  preached  the   about  renouncing  or  giving  up  the  world.  They
                 message  of  intense  devotion  to  Vishnu.  He    believed  that  God  is  a  formless  ultimate  reality
                 believed  in  the  equality  of  all  human  beings.   and  one  can  connect  with  this  universal  power
                 Another Bhakti saint Madhavacharya who lived in    through  meditation,  yogasanas  and  breathing
                 the  13th  century  in  Karnataka,  popularised  the
                                                                    exercises.  They  believed  that  these  practices
                 worship of Krishna.
                                                                    discipline  our  mind  and  body  and  help  us  to
              w  Basavanna, the great Bhakti saint of Karnataka,
                                                                    reach  out  and  connect  to  the  ultimate  reality.
                 was originally a minister in the court of a Chalukya
                                                                    These  groups  of  Bhakti  saints  rejected  all  the
                 king. His followers
                                                                    rituals  and  ceremonies  associated  with  religious
                 known as Virashaivas
                 (heroes of Shiva) or
                 Lingayats (wearers of
                 the Linga) were devoted
                 worshippers of Lord
                 Shiva. They worship
                 Shiva in the form of a
                 Linga. They believe that
                 on death, the devotee
                 will be united with Shiva
                 and will not return to
                 this world.

             Another  strand  (branch)  of  Bhakti  Movement
                                                                       Namdev Maharaj                   Eknath
             began  in  Karnataka  under  the  Bhakti  saint
             Basavanna.  This  movement,  known  as  the

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