Page 100 - SST Class 07
P. 100

The entire family gets salvation.”                     According to legends,
             The  lyricist  composition  was  a  favourite  of      Kabir was the son of a
             Mahatma Gandhi.                                        brahman widow who
                                                                    abandoned him after his
             Jalaluddin Rumi
                                                                    birth and that he was
             Jalaluddin Rumi was a
                                                                    brought up in the house
             13th century persian poet,
                                                                    of a Muslim weaver. He,
             jurist, Islamic scholar,
                                                                    too, became a weaver,
             theologain and a sufi
                                                                    but while living in
             mystic. His works are
                                                                    Benaras, came in contact
             written in Persian. His
                                                                    with Hindu and Muslim                Kabir
             importance is considered
                                                                    saints. He rejected all
             to transcend national and
                                                                    rituals and ceremonies and preached a religion of
             ethnic borders. His poems
                                                                    love which will unite all th people. Kabir’s poems
             are translated into many
                                                                    were written in the form of spoken Hindi of the
             of the world’s languages.       Jalaluddin Rumi
                                                                    ordinary people. His followers were both Hindus
             He believed in the history
                                                                    and Muslims who were attracted by his message
             of music, poetry and dance as a path for reach-
                                                                    of love and brotherhood. Kabir’s rejection of the
             ing  to  the  God.  He  describes  the  universal
                                                                    caste  system  especially  the  practice  of  untouch-
             message of love. He believed in the path of love
                                                                    ability and his opposition to all kinds of discrimi-
             and religion. All religions lead to the same God.
                                                                    nation  between  human  being  –  on  the  basis  of
             “I searched for God among the christians and on        caste, religion and wealth-made him very popu-
             the  Cross  and  therein  I  found  Him  not.  I  went
                                                                    lar among the common people.
             into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trance of
                                                                    Here is excerpt from a Kabir’s doha. “Guru is the
             Him  was  there.  I  entered  the  mountain  cave  of
                                                                    Washerman,  disciple  is  the  cloth.  The  name  of
             Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but God I
                                                                    God is like the soap which cleans the mind of its
             found not. With set purpose I fared to the summit
                                                                    dirt to realise the glow of truth.” Kabir who lived
             of Mount caucasus and found there only 'anqa's
                                                                    in  the  15th  century,  said  that  there  is  only  one
             habitation.  Then  I  directed  my  search  to  the
                                                                    God whom he called by several names such as
             Kaaba, the resort of old and young; God was not
                                                                    Rama, Hari, Govinda, Allah, Sain, Sahib, etc. He
             there  even.  Turning  to  philosophy  I  inquired
                                                                    rejected  idol  worship,  rituals  and  pilgrimages.
             about  him  from  ibn  Sina,  but  found  Him  not
                                                                    The mission of Kabir was to preach a religion of
             within his range. I fared then to the scene of the
                                                                    love which could unite all castes and creeds. The
             Prophet’s experience of a great divine manifesta-
                                                                    teachings of Kabir are in the form of short poems
             tion only a “two bow-lengths' distance from his”
                                                                    called dohas. After his death, teachings of Kabir
             but God was not there even in that exalted court.
                                                                    were  written  down  as  Kabir  Vanis.  Later,  Kabir
             Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I
                                                                    Grantthavali  and  Bijaka  were  also  composed
             saw Him; He was nowhere else.”
                                                                    which contain the ideas of this great Bhakti saint.
                                                                    Kabir used many languages to reach out to the
             Kabir, a weaver by profession, believed that there
                                                                    people. Hindi, Persian, Arabic and Turkish words
             in one God who is given several names.
                                                                    are found in his teachings. The followers of Kabir

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