Page 107 - SST Class 07
P. 107

Shikhas formed 12 political groups called misls.       serving in the kingdoms of Ahmadnagar, Bijapur
             Each  misl  controlled  a  specific  area  and  had  a   and  Golconda.  When  these  kingdoms  became
             leader.  Towards  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  cen-  weak,  the  Marathas  declared  themselves  inde-
             tury,  Maharaja  Ranjit  Singh,  the  leader  of  the   pendent.  The  man  who  carved  out  a  powerful
             Sukerchakia misl, united all the misls. He estab-      kingdom in the Konkan region was Shivaji.
             lished a powerful kingdom in Punjab.                                 SHIVAJI BHONSLE

             The Jats                                               The  Marathas  became  well-organised  under  the
             Badan  Singh  was  a  powerful  Jat  chief  who        leadership of Shivaji.
             organised the Jat force to carve out an independ-      He was born in 1627. His father, Shahji Bhonsle,
             ent kingdom. He was followed by his son-in-law,        was a high official in the Bijapuri kingdom. Jija
             Suraj Mal, the proverbial Jat hero, who extended       Bai, his mother and Dadaji Kondadev, his tutor
             his  authority  over  a  vast  area  extending  from   shaped the early life of Shivaji.
             Agra to the vicinity of Delhi, including Hathras,
             Aligarh, Rewari and Gurgaon. Bharatpur was the
             capital of the Jat kingdom.
             In  the  second  half  of  the  eighteenth  century,
             Haider  Ali  (1761-82)  and  his  son,  Tipu  Sultan
             (1782-99) made Mysore very powerful. Tipu was
             known as the ‘Tiger of Mysore’. Both Haider Ali
             and  Tipu  modernised  the  army  and  introduced
             new and efficient weapons. With the help of the
             French, Haider Ali established modern arsenal at
                                                                    Maharaja Ranjit Singh             Tipu Sultan
             Dindigul. Tipu Sultan even made efforts to build
             a modern navy.                                         Early Successes
             Both  father  and  son  fought  against  the  English.   Shivaji  dreamt  of  establishing  a  large  empire.
             Haider  Ali  defeated  them,  in  the  First  Anglo-   While still young, he put together a small army.
             Mysore  War  in  1769.  Tipu  Sultan  died  fighting   Using  guerilla  warfare,  he  captured  many  forts
             the English during the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War         near Pune.
             1799.                                                  War with Bijapur

             Tipu  Sultan  was  perhaps  the  first  ruler  to  use
                                                                    The growing power of Shivaji alarmed the king
             rockets in war. These could travel a few hundred       of Bijapur. He sent an army under Afzal Khan to
             yards.  Such  rockets  became  very  unstable          crush the Marathas. Shivaji killed Afzal Khan and
             towards the end of their flight, causing the blades    defeated the Bijapuri army.
             to spin around, cutting down all in their path. He
                                                                    War with the Mughals
             also  had  rocket  launchers  which  could  fire  5  to
                                                                    Aurangzeb  considered  Shivaji  a  great  threat.  In
             10  rockets  at  one  time.  Expert  ‘rocket  men’
             operated these rocket launchers.                       1663, he sent Shaista Khan to capture him. One
                                                                    night,  Shivaji  with  a  few  soldiers  entered  the
                            THE MARATHAS
                                                                    Mughal camp and wounded army. A year later,
             The Marathas had a humble origin. Till the early       he raided Surat and plundered it.
             seventeenth  century,  they  were  minor  chieftains

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