Page 123 - SST Class 07
P. 123

g    These rocks do not have remains of animals        g    These rocks are mostly formed under water
                  or plants.                                             and have marks of waves and mud-cracks.

             g    These rocks do not allow water to percolate       g    These rocks also contain remains of animals
                  through them.                                          and  plants,  called  fossils,  between  the
             g    Other  types  of  rocks  are  formed  from             layers.
                  igneous rocks.                                    g    The  important  examples  are  sandstone,
             g    Valuable  minerals  such  as  iron,  gold,  silver     limestone and coal.
                  and aluminum are found in these rocks.            Metamorphic Rocks

             Sedimentary Rocks                                      The metamorphic rocks make up a large part of
             The sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposi-        the earth’s crust and are classified by texture and
             tion and subsequent cementation of that material       by chemical and mineral assemblage. They may
             within bodies of water and at the surface of the       be  formed  simply  by  being  deep  beneath  the
             earth.  The  process  that  causes  various  organic   earth’s  surface,  subjected  to  high  temperatures
             materials  and  minerals  to  settle  in  a  place  is   and the great pressure of the rock layers above it.
             termed as sedimentation.

                                                                                   Metamorphic Rocks
                             Sedimentary Rocks
                                                                    Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation
             The  particles  that  form  a  sedimentary  rock  by
                                                                    of existing rock types, in a process called meta-
             accumulating  are  called  sediment.  Before  being
                                                                    morphism, which means “change in form”. The
             deposited, the sediment was formed by weather-
                                                                    original  rock  is  subjected  to  heat  with  tempera-
             ing  and  erosion  from  the  source  area  and  then
                                                                    ture  greater  than  150°C  to  200°C  and  pressure
             transported to the place of deposition by water,
                                                                    around  1500  megapascals,  causing  profound
             wind, ice, mass movement or glaciers, which are
                                                                    physical and/or chemical change.
             called agents of denudation. Sedimentation may
                                                                    Metamorphic rocks have the following character-
             also  occur  as  minerals  precipitate  from  water
                                                                    istics :
             solution or shells of aquatic creatures settle out of
             suspension.                                            g    These  rocks  after  change  remain  in  their
                                                                         original position.
             Sedimentary rocks have the following character-
             istics :                                               g    They are very hard and have a high specific
             g    These rocks are softer than igneous rocks.
                                                                    g    These  rocks  do  not  have  empty  spaces  in
             g    These  rocks  have  horizontal  layers,
                  arranged one above the other.

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