Page 128 - SST Class 07
P. 128

also  cause  horizontal  and         ARCTIC OCEAN                                     ARCTIC OCEAN
                  vertical movements.                                                                          Arctic Circle

             g    These  movements  give  rise
                  to a variety of relief features.            Rainier                 EUROPE
                                                       NORTH                                       ASIA
                  The  sudden  movements  are          PACIFIC   AMERICA  NORTH   Stromboli Etna   Vesuvius   Fujiyama  NORTH
                                                                         OCEAN                                    PACIFIC
                                                          Popocatepetl                                            OCEAN
                  experienced  through  erup-      Tropic of Cancer
                                                      Mauna Loa
                  tion of volcanoes and earth-                          Pelee         AFRICA
                                                    Equator          Cotopaxi
                  quakes.                                                              Kilimanjaro  INDIAN OCEAN
                                                                       SOUTH                         Krakatoa
                       VOLCANOES                    Tropic of Capricorn  AMERICA
             A volcano is simply an area where              SOUTH      Aconcagua  SOUTH
                                                            PACIFIC            ATLANTIC
                                                            OCEAN              OCEAN
             magma  or  molten  rock,  from  the
             earth’s mantle reaches the earth’s
                                                                                         SOUTHERN OCEAN
                                                    Antarctic Circle
             surface,  becoming  lava.  Most                                              ANTARCTICA
             volcanoes  occur  at  plate  bound-                    World—Distribution of volcanoes
             aries,  where  two  plates  are  mov-                  The  higher  the  level  of  gas,  the  more  pressure
             ing away (diverging) or together (converging). A       that  builds  and  the  more  violent  an  explosion.
             few  volcanoes  like  the  Hawaiian  Islands  form  a   The  combination  of  silica  and  dissolved  gas
             hot  spot,  or  a  weak  spot  in  the  earth’s  crust,   levels determines the type of eruption and shape
             where magma forces its way to the surface.             of the volcano.
             Volcanic eruptions may be explosive or effusive,       Types of Volcanoes
             depending  on  the  lava  chemistry  (amounts  of
                                                                    On the basis of the frequency of eruption, volca-
             silica  and  dissolved  gases).  Silica  is  a  mineral
                                                                    noes are classified into two types :
             found in nature as sand or quartz. High levels of
                                                                    Active  Volcanoes  :  Active  volcanoes  erupt
             silica  mean  very  viscous  (thick)  lava  and  low
                                                                    frequently and throw out lava, gases, ashes and
             levels  mean  more  fluid  lava.  Dissolved  gases
                                                                    rocks.  These  volcanoes  are  also  called  living
             build up inside the volcano, much like a can of
                                                                    volcanoes. Stromboli and Etna in Italy are active
             soda or other carbonated beverage.

                     Volcanic bombs                                             Dormant  Volcanoes  :  Extinct
                                                                                volcanoes  have  not  erupted  for
                                         Ash cloud
                                                                                hundreds  of  years.  There  is  no
                    Ash                                                         possibility  of  any  eruption  in  future.

                                                      Secondary Cone            These volcanoes are also called dead
                                                       Secondary vent           volcanoes.  Kilimanjaro  in  Africa  and
                            Lava flow
                                                                                Rainier in USA are extinct volcanoes.
                                                                                Distribution of volcanoes

                                                 Main vent                      Most  of  the  world’s  active  volcanoes
                         Layers of ash and lava
                                                                                form a circular belt around the Pacific
                                                                                Ocean. That is why this belt is called
                                                                                the  ‘Pacific  Ring  of  Fire’.  This  ring
                                       Magma chamber
                                                                                coincides  with  the  edge  of  the
                                Components of a volcano                         lithospheric plates.

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