Page 129 - SST Class 07
P. 129

The second belt of volcanoes is found along the        Secondary  Waves  :  The  secondary  waves  (S
             Mediterranean  Sea  and  is  called  the  Mid-World    waves)  or  shake  waves  are  the  next  to  arrive.
             Mountain Belt. This belt has mostly dormant and        Their rate of movement is less than that of the P
             extinct volcanoes.                                     waves.  These  waves  produce  a  strong  shaking

             Fujiyama  in  Japan  is  one  of  the  world’s  most   action. They do not pass through liquids.
             beautiful volcanic mountain. The Deccan plateau        Surface Waves : The surface waves (L waves)
             of  India  was  probably  formed  due  to  fissure     are the last to arrive and travel over the surface
             eruption.                                              of the earth. These waves are very powerful and
                             EARTHQUAKES                            cause  most  of  the  damage.  Their  effect  is  not
             Earthquakes  are  the  vibration  of  the  earth’s     seen at great depths.
             surface caused by the movements of lithospheric
             plates.  There  are  three  types  of  earthquake
                                                                                                      S wave
             waves— P waves or longitudinal waves, S waves
                                                                        Prior to seismic        Motion produced by S
             or  transverse  waves  and  L  waves  or  surface
                                                                    disturbance. A straight     waves. Particles move
             waves.  The  place  in  the  crust  where  the  move-  and fence line provides a  back and fourth at right
             ment starts is called the focus. The place on the          good reference.          angles to the line of
                                                                                                 wave progression.
             surface  above  the  focus  is  called  the  epicenter.
             Vibrations travel outwards from the epicenter as
             waves. Greatest damage is usually closest to the
                                                                           P wave
             epicenter  and  the  strength  of  the  earthquake                                      L wave
             decreases away from the centre.                          Motion produced by         Motion produced by
                                                                     P waves. Particles are       L waves. Particles
                                                                     compressed and then      move L in a circular path
                                                                     expanded in the line    at the surface. The motion
                                                                     of wave progression.      diminishes with depth.

                                                                    Measuring Earthquakes
                                                                    The intensity earthquake waves are measured on
                                                                    the  Richter  Scale.  The  earthquake  tremors  are
                                                                    recorded  by  an  instrument  called  seismograph.
                                                                    The science that deals with earthquakes is called
                                                                    seismology  and  the  earthquake  scientists  are
                                                                    called seismologists.
                                                                    The Richter Scale ranges from zero to nine. An

             Types of Earthquake Waves                              increase in one point on the Richter Scale indi-
             According  to  the  mode  of  travel,  earthquake      cates that the force of the earthquake is 10 times
                                                                    greater than the strength of the previous number.
             waves are classified into three main types:
                                                                    The  earthquakes  of  intensity  six  and  above  are
             Primary Waves : The primary waves (P waves)
                                                                    very destructive.
             or push waves are the first to arrive as they are
                                                                    More  than  10,00,000  earthquakes  are  recorded
             the fastest. These waves usually travel at a speed
                                                                    every  year.  An  earthquake’s  intensity  is  mea-
             of about six km per second. These waves cause
             relatively small displacements.                        sured in relation to its effect on human life.

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