Page 130 - SST Class 07
P. 130

ARCTIC OCEAN    Himalayas.  About  25  percent  of
                 ARCTIC OCEAN
                                                                                   the  seismic  events  are  recorded
                                                                          Arctic Circle
                                                EUROPE                             Mid-Atlantic  Ridge Belt  :  The
                  NORTH                                      ASIA
                  PACIFIC   NORTH   NORTH                                    NORTH   Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  Belt  includes
                  OCEAN   AMERICA   ATLANTIC
                                    OCEAN                                    PACIFIC
                                                                                   the  Mid-Atlantic  ridge  and  the
              Tropic of Cancer
                                                                                   adjoining  islands.  It  records
                                                                                   moderate  earthquakes  which  are
                                                         INDIAN OCEAN
                                 AMERICA                                           caused due to the moving of the
              Tropic of Capricorn
                                                                                   lithospheric  plates  in  opposite
                       PACIFIC           ATLANTIC
                       OCEAN                                                       directions.
                                                                                   The  earthquake  belt  in  India  is
                                              VOLCANOES      SOUTHERN OCEAN
              Antarctic Circle
                                                                                   mainly confined to the Himalayan
                                                                                   region  and  the  Ganga-Brahma-
                           World—Distribution of Earthquake Belts
                                                                                   putra  valley.  About  two-thirds  of
             The  slow  and  mild  tremors  are  more  frequent
                                                                    India  is  earthquake-prone.  In  the  last  50  years,
             and  are  generally  not  noticed.  Violent  earth-
                                                                    earthquake tremors have been experienced even
             quakes  cause  serious  damage  to  life  and  prop-
             erty.  They  may  cause  landslides  in
             hilly areas, cracks in the earth’s crust,                                                         ZONE 1
             bursting  of  river  dams  and  blocking                                                          ZONE 2
                                                                                                               ZONE 3
             of  rivers,  raising  or  lowering  of  the                                                       ZONE 4
                                                                                                               ZONE 5
             sea floors or coastal regions.                                               CHINA
             Distribution of Earthquakes                                                   TIBET
             No  part  of  the  earth  is  free  from
             earthquakes.  But,  in  some  areas,                                   NEPAL       BHUTAN
             earthquakes  occur  more  frequently.
             The  main  earthquake  belts  on  the    Tropic of Caner
             earth are as under :                                                                          MYANMAR

             Circum-Pacific Belt : The Circum-
             Pacific  Belt  includes  the  coastal
             margins  of  North  America,  South          ARABIAN                               BAY
                                                            SEA                               BENGAL
             America  and  East  Asia.  These
             regions account for about 65 percent                                  ZONE 1  Intensity 5 or below
             of the total earthquakes of the world.                                ZONE 2  Intensity 6 (strong)
             This  belt  coincides  with  the  Pacific                             ZONE 3  Intensity 7 (very strong)
                                                                                   ZONE 4  Intensity 8 (destructive)
             Ring of Fire.                                  (INDIA)  LAKSHADWEEP   ZONE 5  Intensity 9 and above
                                                                                        (very disastrous)
             Mid-Continental  Belt  :  The  Mid-
             Continental Belt includes the Alpine                              SRI
             mountains,  Mediterranean  Sea,
                                                                     I  N   D   I  A    O  C  E   A  N
             northern and eastern Africa and the
                                                                         India—Earthquake Zones

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