Page 133 - SST Class 07
P. 133

Earthquakes in the History of Gujarat : The            enced 66 moderate earthquakes in which no loss
             Rann of Kachchh of Gujarat lies in the very high-      of  life  was  reported.  The  following  table  shows
             risk zone number 5.                                    the occurence of earthquakes in Gujarat.

             Between  1845  and  1956  Kachchh  had  experi-
                                       OCCURRENCE OF EARTHQUAKES IN GUJARAT

                  Date              Location           Magnitude on Richter Scale               Remarks
               16-6-1819     Kachchh                              8.5             Bhuj  was  ruined,  2000  people  died.
                                                                                  Indus  changed  its  course.  Allaha
                                                                                  Bund a fault was created.
               21-7-1956     Anjar (Kachchh)                      7.0             115 people died and 414 people were

               23-3-1970     Bharuch                              6.0             26 persons were killed, 200 injured.
               26-1-2001     Bhuj and neighbourhood               7.8             More than 25,000 persons died, huge
                                                                                  loss of life.
              WHAT TO DO DURING
                 AN EARTHQUAKE                                                                                 ZONE 1
                                                                                                               ZONE 2
             There are number of things                                                                        ZONE 3
             you can do during an                                                                              ZONE 4
                                                                                                               ZONE 5
             earthquake. Everyone,                                                     CHINA
             everywhere, should learn              PAKISTAN                            TIBET
             and practice what to do to
             stay safe during an earth-                                         NEPAL
             quake. Here are some life                                                        BHUTAN
             saving guidelines.
             1.   Try to get out of the      Tropic of Caner
                  high-rise building. If                                                                  MYANMAR
                  you can’t get out safely,
                  hide under a desk or a                                                   BANGLADESH
                  study table. Cover your                                                    BAY
                                                  ARABIAN                                    OF
                  face and head to                  SEA                                    BENGAL
                  protect them from
                  falling objects.                                            ZONE 1  Intensity 5 or below
             2.   If you are outdoors get                                     ZONE 2  Intensity 6 (strong)
                                                                              ZONE 3  Intensity 7 (very strong)
                  into an open area,                                          ZONE 4  Intensity 8 (destructive)
                  away from trees,                  (INDIA)  LAKSHADWEEP      ZONE 5  Intensity 9 and above
                                                                                    (very disastrous)
                  buildings and power-
                  lines. In a hilly terrain,
                  it is advisable to stay                               LANKA
                  away from slopes.                            I  N   D   I   A    O   C   E   A   N

                                                                 Earthquake-Prone Zones in India
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