Page 138 - SST Class 07
P. 138

WEATHER AND CLIMATE                          between  day  and  night.  The

             It  is  the  hour-to-hour,  day-to-day  conditions  of   earth  has  been  broadly
             the atmosphere. It changes dramatically from day       divided  into  three  heat  zones
             to day. Even metaphorically it is said ‘as change-     depending  upon  the  amount
             able  as  the  weather’.  Weather  may  be  :  hot,    of  insolation  received.  The
             humid, pleasant or breezy.                             temperature of any place also
                                                                    depends upon its height above
             The first two weather conditions might make us
                                                                    sea level and its distance from
             irritable  and  make  it  impossible  to  go  for  an
                                                                    the  sea.  Places  located  near
             outing with friends. The third and fourth weather
             conditions  are  welcome  and  acceptable  by  all.    the sea will experience moder-
             We  get  to  hear  the  weather  report  across  the   ate  temperature  but  those,
             world on news channels. Weather forecast is also       away from the sea, will gener-
             important for us to plan our day. It is especially     ally  experience  extreme          Thermometer
             important for fishermen who are warned not to          temperature.
             venture into the sea due to high tide forecast, for    Of  course,  the  temperature  recording  is  never
             cricket fans and players speculating the outcome       solely  dependent  on  any  one  factor.  Various
             of a One Day match, etc.                               factors affect the climate of a place. Winds, ocean
                                                                    current,  slope  of  land,  vegetation-cover  are  the
             The average weather condition of a place for a
                                                                    many  factors  that  influence  the  temperature
             longer period is called the climate of that place.
                                                                    recordings.  Temperature  is  recorded  by  a  ther-
             Weather pattern of more than 20 years is consid-
             ered for defining the climate of a place.              mometer on a Fahrenheit or a Celsius scale.
                                                                    Air Pressure
             Meteorology : It is the study of the atmosphere.
             An  operational  forecaster  analyses  weather         The air above us presses us with great force. But,
             conditions  and  issues  forecasts  or  alerts  the    we do not feel it at all. This is because it presses
             public of severe weather for their area.               us  from  all  directions  and  our  body  exerts  a
             The following are the aspects to be studied while      counter  pressure.  Air  pressure  is  defined  as  the
             studying the concept of weather and climate :          pressure  exerted  by  the  weight  of  air  on  the
                                                                    earth’s surface.
             g    Temperature
                                                                    Nature  of  Vertical  Air  Pressure  :  The  pres-
             g    Air Pressure
                                                                    sure  falls  rapidly  as  we  go  up  the  layers  of  the
             g    Wind
                                                                    atmosphere.  Therefore,  the  pressure  is  the
             g    Moisture                                          highest at sea level and decreases with altitude.
             Temperature                                            Nature  of  Horizontal  Air  Pressure  :
             Temperature  refers  to  the  degrees  of  hotness  or   Horizontally,  the  distribution  of  air  pressure  is
             coldness of the air. The main source of this heat      influenced  by  the  temperature  of  the  air  at  a
             is  the  insolation  or  the  amount  of  solar  energy   given place.
             received  by  the  earth.  The  amount  of  heat       Where  the  temperature  is  high,  the  air  gets
             depends  upon  the  latitudinal  location  of  any     heated up and rises, thus creating a low-pressure
             place. It is higher in places near the equator and     area. This is associated with cloudy sky and wet
             decreases pole-wards. The amount of insolation         weather.
             received differs from season to season and also

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