Page 161 - SST Class 07
P. 161

Mediterranean Forests : The west and south-
             west margins of continents are different from the
             east  and  north-east  margins.  While  most  of  the
             east  and  north-east  margins  are  covered  by
             temperate  evergreen  and  deciduous  forests  the
             west  and  south-west  margins  have  mediterra-
             nean forests.

             Mediterranean  regions  are  known  as  the  ‘or-
             chards of the world’ because of their fruit cultiva-
             tion. The trees in this region adapt themselves to
             the dry summers with the help of their thick barks                     Coniferous Forest
             and  wax  coated  leaves  which  reduce  transpira-    sports  goods.  Chir,  pine,  cedar,  fir,  spruce  and
             tion.                                                  larch  are  the  main  species  found  in  coniferous
             Since  these  are  found  in  the  areas  around  the   forests.
             mediterranean  sea  in  Europe,  Africa  and  Asia;    Silver  fox,  mink,  polar  bear,  sable  and  beavers
             these are called mediterranean forests. This kind      are  commonly  found  in  these  forests.  Most  of
             of  vegetation  is  also  found  outside  the  actual   these  are  important  for  fur.  Caribou,  Reindeer
             mediterranean region such as in California in the      and Wolves are also found here.
             USA,  South-west  Africa,  South-western  South
             America and South-west Australia. These regions
             experience dry summers and mild rainy winters.
             Citrus fruits such as oranges, olives, grapes and
             figs  are  grown  here.  The  natural  vegetation  has
             been removed so that people can cultivate what
             they want to. Much wildlife is not found in these
             Coniferous  Forests  :  These  are  evergreen
             forests found between latitudes 50°N and 70° N.
             They are also called ‘Taiga’ and also found in the                         Silver Fox
             higher altitudes on high mountain ranges like the
             Himalayas and the Alps. Found in Northern parts
             of  North  America,  Europe  and  Asia,  they  lie  in
             parts  of  Alaska,  Canada,  Norway,  Sweden,
             Finland, Poland, Russia and Siberia. Trees are tall
             and straight, with small needle like leaves. These
             trees  are  softwood  trees  and  are  extremely
             important  commercially  because  they  are  used
             for making pulp which is used for manufacturing
             paper and newsprint. The wood is also used for
             making  furniture,  matchsticks,  plywood  and
                                                                              Mink                   Polar Bear

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