Page 162 - SST Class 07
P. 162

AFGHANISTAN                                                    India and Northern Australia. Rainfall is
                                                                             only between 25 cm and 75 cm and can
                                                                             support tall, coarse grasses interspersed
                                                                             with few short trees. Many parts of the
                                                                             grasslands  are  used  for  grazing  or
                                                                             farming. These grasslands are home of
                                                    CHINA                    herbivorous  animals  like  elephants,
                                                                             deer,  zebra,  giraffes  and  leopards  can
                                                          BHUTAN             also be found in these areas.

                   Tropic of Cancer
                                                                              Tropical  grasslands  are  called  Lianas  in
                                I N D I A                                     Venezuela and Campos in Brazil.
                                                                             Temperate Grasslands
                                                        BAY OF               These  grasslands  are  found  in  colder
                                                                             and  drier  regions.  As  the  amount  of
                SEA                                                          precipitation is very low, the grass here
                                                                             are  short  and  less  dense  and  trees  are
                                                 INDEX                       almost  absent.  These  are  very  suitable
                Lakshadweep  Lakshadweep Sea
                                             Deciduous forest   (INDIA)  Andaman  &  Nicobar  Islands
                                             Evergreen forest                for  cattle  and  sheep  rearing  and  are
                                             Mountain forest
                                             Thorny and scrub forests        being  used  for  extensive  wheat  and
                                             Tidal forest (Mangrove)
                                                                             corn  cultivation.  Temperate  grasslands
                                                                             are called ‘Steppes’ in Eurasia, ‘Prairies’
                                                                             in  North  America,  ‘Pampas’  in  South
                 I N D I A N  O C E A N
                                                                  Not to scale
                                                                             America,  ‘Veld’  in  South  Africa  and
                               Indian Natural Vegetation                     ‘Downs’ in Australia.
                                                                    Swift  moving  animals  like  antelopes,  horse,
                                                                    giraffe,  wild  asses,  leopards,  wild  dogs  and
              The  conical  shape  of  the  trees  is  best  suited  to  the
                                                                    rabbits  are  found  in  these  grass  lands.  The
              climatic  conditions  as  it  allows  snow  to  slide  down
                                                                    famous ‘Emu’ is also found in Australia
              easily from the leaves of these trees.
                                                                    Grasslands  are  known  by  different  names  in
                              GRASSLANDS                            different regions which are as follows :
             There are two types of grasslands – tropical and                    Region           Name
             temperate  grasslands.  Tropical  grasslands  are                 East Africa       Savanna
             found  in  the  tropical  zone  whereas  temperate
                                                                                  Brazil          Campos
             grasslands are found in the interiors of continents
                                                                                Venezuela         Llanos
             in the mid latitudes.
                                                                                Argentina         Pampas
             Tropical Grasslands                                             North America        Pariries
             Also called as the ‘Savannas’, these grasslands lie              South Africa          Veld
             on either side of the rainforest in Africa, Brazilian            Central Asia        Steppe
             plateau  of  South  America,  Deccan  Plateau  of                  Australia         Downs

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