Page 168 - SST Class 07
P. 168

often practice hunting, slathering, fishing, shifting   Houses in rural areas are built according to the
             cultivation and transhumance.                          physical  environment.  Local  materials  are  used

             Permanent  Settlements  :  Permanent  settle-          for  construction.  The  houses  have  thick  walls,
             ment  is  the  most  prevalent  settlement  today.     plastered  with  mud,  and  thatched  roofs  in  hot
             Since the inhabitants make houses, they do not         regions.  They  have  slanting  roofs  in  regions  of
             move to other places for a dwelling. They perma-       heavy rainfall. In some areas, houses are built on
             nently  inhabit  here  due  to  various  reasons  like   stilts to avoid flood-water from entering.
             occupation, trade, and resources.                      Urban settlements are generally classified on the
             Permanent settlements can be classified into two       basis  of  the  economic  activities  they  perform.
             types— rural and urban settlements                     They can be classified as :
                                                                    Administrative  Towns  :  Administrative  towns
                Rural Settlements        Urban Settlements
                                                                    are capital cities like New Delhi, Washington DC
              1.  The villages are rural  1.  The towns are small
                                                                    and Canberra.
                  settlement where         and the cities are
                  people are engaged       larger urban settle-     Defense Towns : Defense towns are centres of
                  in activities like       ments. In urban          military activities like Mhow and Barrackpore.
                  agriculture, fishing,    areas, the people are
                                                                    Cultural  Towns  :  Cultural  include  religious
                  forestry, crafts work,   engaged in manufac-
                                                                    centres  like  Ayodhya,  Mecca  and  Jerusalem  or
                  etc.                     turing, trading and
              2.  Here the population      services.                educational  centres  like  Oxford,  Allahabad  and
                                                                    Shanti Niketan.
                  is less.             2.  Here the population
              3.  Rural settlements can    is more.                 Industrial  Towns  :  Industrial  towns  are  the
                  be compact or        3.  Urban settlements        centres of production and manufacture of differ-
                  scattered.               can be linear or         ent goods. Jamshedpur, Durgapur, Ahmedabad,
                                           radical.                 Rourkela  and  Pittsburgh  are  examples  of  indus-

             The shape of rural settlements can be of various       trial towns.
             types like compact, scattered, linear and radial.      Junction Towns : Junction towns are located at
             Compact  Settlements  :  Compact  settlements          the  crossroads  of  major  roads  or  railways.
             have houses built very close to each other. They       Mughal  Sarai,  Chicago  and  Moscow  are  some
             have  narrow,  winding  streets.  Such  settlements    examples.
             are  mostly  found  in  fertile  river  valleys  and   Rural-Urban Relationship
                                                                    Rural  and  urban  areas  are  dependent  on  each
             Scattered Settlements : Scattered settlements          other.  The  villages  supply  food  grains,  fruits
             are mostly found in forested areas, hilly regions      vegetables, agricultural raw materials and casual
             and  deserts.  The  houses  are  scattered  over  a    labourers to the towns. The towns supply indus-
             large area.                                            trial goods, social and utility service and employ-
             Linear  Settlements  :  Linear  settlements            ment opportunities to the villagers.
             develop  along  a  road,  a  river  or  a  canal.  They   Sometimes,  villages  adjust  their  cropping  pat-
             have rows of houses facing each other.                 terns  to  meet  the  needs  of  city  dwellers.  This
             Radial  Settlements  :  Radial  settlements            gives strength to the existence of rural and urban
             develop  when  streets  radiate  from  a  common       settlements.
             point in all directions. It has a star shape settle-
             ments. The houses are built along the streets.

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