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                                       Emergence of

                                       Regional Cultures

             The  description  of  people  on  linguistic  basis  is   the same day as their new year day ‘Thapna’. Sindhis,
             extremely  common.  In  other  words,  people  are      people  from  Sindh,  celebrate  the  same  day  as  their
             described  on  the  basis  of  the  language  they      New Year day ‘Cheti Chand’. Manipuris also celebrate
             speak or their mother tongue. When we refer to          their New Year ‘Sajibu Nongma Panba’ on the same
             any  person  as  a  Kannada  or  a  Marathi,  this      day.
             usually  means  that  he/she  speaks  Kannada  or
                                                                         DEVELOPMENT OF A LANGUAGE
             Marathi respectively. We also have a tendency to
                                                                    Growth of Malayalam
             associate  each  region  with  distinctive  kinds  of
             food,  clothing,  poetry,  dance,  music  and  paint-  The  Chera  kingdom  of  Mahodayapuram  was
             ing.  We  also  sometimes  tend  to  take  these       established  in  the  9th  century  in  the  south-
             aspects of people as granted and assume that the       western part of the peninsula, part of present-day
             people  are  identified  with  these  since  time      Kerala. It is likely that Malayalam was spoken in
                                                                    this  area.  The  rulers  introduced  the  Malayalam
             immemorial. However, this may not be true. This
                                                                    language  and  script  in  their  inscriptions.  This
             is because :
                                                                    development is considered as one of the earliest
             g    The  frontiers  that  separate  regions  have
                                                                    examples  of  the  use  of  a  regional  language  in
                  evolved over time and are still evolving.
                                                                    official records in the subcontinent. At the same
             g    The  cultures  of  a  region  are  hybrid  in
                                                                    time,  the  Cheras  also  drew  upon  Sanskritic
                  nature, i.e., they have evolved as a result of
                                                                    traditions.  A  14th-century  text,  the  Lilatilakam,
                  intermixing  of  local  traditions  with  ideas
                                                                    dealing  with  grammar  and  poetics,  was  com-
                  from other parts of the subcontinent.
                                                                    posed  in  Manipravalam  –  literally,  “diamonds
             g    The  regional  cultures  that  exist  today  have
                  not been exclusively for that region.             and  corals”  referring  to  the  two  languages,
                                                                    Sanskrit and the regional language.
             g    Some  traditions  appear  specific  to  some
                  regions.                                          Growth of Hindi
             g    Some seem to be similar across regions            Hindi  emerged  as  an  important  language  in
             g    Some are derived from older practices in a        Medieval  India.  It  emerged  in  between  7th  and
                  particular area, but take a new form in other     10th century. Medieval Hindi was in the form of
                  regions.                                          Brij Bhasha, a dialect spoken in and around the
                                                                    region  of  Mathura  during  the  times  of  Akbar.
                                                                    Hindi poets of the Age were Goswami Tulsidas –
              New Year in various Indian states : While the people
                                                                    the  writer  of  Ramcharitmanas  and  Surdas  was
              of  Andhra  Pradesh  and  Telengana  use  the  term
              ‘Ugadi’ and Karnataka use the term ‘Yugadi/Ugadi’ for   another Hindi poet of Sur Sagar.
              their  New  Year  festival,  the  people  of  Maharashtra   Flowering of Marathi
              term the same festival, observed on the same day as   The  Bahmani  rulers  patronised  Marathi  as  the
              ‘Gudi Padwa’. Marwari, people of Rajasthan celebrate   administrative language in their kingdom.

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