Page 61 - SST Class 07
P. 61
It was earlier known as ‘Guru mukhi’. Folktales in
The Bhakti saints enriched
Punjabi language further added to the richness of
the Marathi language by
this language. Many muslim writers in Punjabi
composing Bhakti poems
known as kissas. The most famous kissas 'Heer
and songs in Marathi, Ranja' written by Waris Shah is still famous the
Bhakti saints like worldwide.
Gyaneswar, Tukaram,
Growth of Telegu
Namadeva and Eknath
The ruler of the powerful
composed beautiful songs
Vijayanagar kingdom
and poems in Marathi.
Krishnadeva Raya con-
Tukaram tributed greatly to the
development of Telegu
language. He himself was
a great poet. He wrote
Amuktamalyada which
was the greatest political
work of that time. In this,
he describes the duties of Tenali Rama
the kings. Tenali Rama
was his famous court pact. This shows how the
rulers of different regions took pride in their local
Namadeva Eknath language and culture.
Sikhism was founded by The Jagannatha Culture
Guru Nanak Dev at the Sometimes, regional cultures develop around
beginning of the sixteenth religious traditions. An example of this is the cult
century. Guru Nanak was of Jagannatha. Jagannatha is the name of Lord
born on April 15, 1469 in Vishnu which literally translates to ‘the lord of the
the Western Punjab world’. This cult is found in Puri, Orissa. The
village of Talwandi. Even local tribal carry out a practice where they carve
as a child, he was given to
deep thinking with no
interest in worldly life. At
the age of thirty, he got
Guru Nanak Dev
enlightenment. Thereafter,
he travelled almost the whole of the country and
went over to Mecca and Baghdad, preaching his
message. On his death, he was followed by nine
other Gurus in succession.
The Sikh Gurus enriched this language by their
writings. It also developed in medieval period.
Jagannatha Temple
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