Page 69 - SST Class 07
P. 69

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                                       Monumental Architecture

             Indian  monuments  are  popular  worldwide  for
             their  beauty.  The  monuments  are  the  standing
             examples  of  stretching  the  horizon  of  human
             imagination and thoughts. The kings and emper-
             ors  who  ruled  India  had  their  own  way  of
             expressing  their  ideas  in  bricks,  marble,  stone
             and mortars. These monuments are centuries old
             and have been examples of philosophies  in the
             Have  you  ever  wondered  why  the  medieval
             period is so rich in architecture? There are many
                                                                     Temple  architecture  of  high  standard  developed  in
             g    Kings  built  forts,  palaces  and  tombs  to
                                                                     almost  all  regions  during  ancient  India.  The  distinct
                  impress  others  with  their  power,  position
                                                                     architectural style of temple construction in different
                  and wealth.
                                                                     parts  was  a  result  of  geographical,  climatic,  ethnic,
             g    Kings  celebrated  their  victories  in  war  by   racial,  historical  and  linguistic  diversities.  Ancient
                  building monuments.                                Indian  temples  are  classified  in  three  broad  types.
             g    King wanted to demonstrate their devotion          This  classification  is  based  on  different  architectural
                  to  God.  They  did  so  by  building  places  of   styles, employed in the construction of the temples.
                  worship such as temples and mosques.               Three  main  styles  of  temple  architecture  are  the
                                                                     Nagara  or  the  Northern  style,  the  Dravida  or  the
                                                                     Southern style and the Vesara or Mixed style. But, at
                                                                     the same time, there are also some regional styles of
                                                                     Bengal, Kerala and the Himalayan areas.
                                                                    One important part of the ancient Indian temples
                                                                    was their decoration. It is reflected in the multi-
                                                                    tude details of figured sculpture as well as in the
                                                                    architectural  elements.  Another  important  com-
                                                                    ponent of Indian temples was the garbhagriha or
                                                                    the  womb  chamber,  housing  the  deity  of  the
                                                                    temple.  The  garbhagriha  was  provided  with  a
             g    Kings  wanted  to  build  structures  that  would   circumambulation  passage  around  it.  However,
                  act  as  markers  of  grandeur  of  the  era  gone   there  are  also  many  subsidiary  shrines  within
                  by;  these  structures  would  also  enable  the   temple  complexes,  more  common  in  the  South
                  future generations to remember their builders.    Indian temple.

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