Page 72 - SST Class 07
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in  traditional  Islamic  and  Persian  architecture).   looms  over  the  skyscaper  and  the  third  is  the
             The walls of the minaret are covered with Indian       minaret  which  pierces  the  skies.  Minarets  were
             floral motifs and verses from the Quran.               actually  symbols  in  the  middle  of  deserts.  They

             The Qutub Minar and the Alai Darwaza                   represented fire which was lit atop them to guide
             Qutub  Minar  is  one  of  the  earliest  and  best    travelers.  The  dome  represents  the  infinite  and
                                                                    also the sky.
             known  of  the  Delhi  Sultanate  architectural
             monuments and also the tallest minaret in India.       The New Elements Added by Muslims to Indian
             Its  accompanying  gateway,  the  Alai  Darwaza,       Architecture :
             bears the first surviving true dome in India.          g    The Indo-Islamic architecture inculcates the
             Qutub Minar is located in Mehrauli Archeological            elements  of  Saracenic,  Turkish  and  Arab
             Park, which also contains other fine examples of            architecture.
             Delhi  Sultanate  architecture,  including  the  tomb   g   The  Muslims  absorbed  many  features  of
             of  the  sultan  Balban  (who  reigned  from                local  cultures  and  traditions  and  combined
             1266–1287 CE), the first known building in India            them with their own architectural practices.
             to feature a true arch. Another building of histori-        So,  a  mix  of  many  structural  techniques,
             cal  importance  in  the  development  of  Indo-            stylised  shapes  and  surface  decorations
             Islamic architecture is the Alai Darwaza, the main          came  about  through  constant  interventions
             gateway on the southern side of the Quwwat-ul-              of  acceptance,  rejection  or  modification  of
             Islam  mosque  in  the  Qutub  complex.  Built  in          architectural elements.
             1311  CE,  by  the  second  Khilji  Sultan  of  Delhi,
             Ala-ud-Din Khilji, it features the earliest surviving
             true dome in India.
                     THE REGIONAL KINGDOMS
             Islam  came  along  with  the  migration  of  Muslim
             merchants,  traders,  the  saints  and  finally  the
             conquest  of  Muslim  rulers.  The  early  Islamic
             architectural  activity  was  visible  as  back  as  8th
             century in some parts such as Sindh and Gujarat,
             yet the large scale building activity began only in
             the early 13th century by the Turkish state after                    Tomb of Sikandar Lodi
             the  Turkish  conquest  of  north  India.  Although
             Mughal architecture of north India is famous, the
             fascinating  richness  of  Islamic  architectural
             heritage  in  other  parts  of  the  country  is  not  so
             well-known.  India  has  more  beautiful  medieval
             Islamic  architectural  heritage  than  any  other
             country. This is a fact which most of us are not
             aware of.
             Islamic  architecture  is  characterised  by  a  few
             visible symbols. One is the arch which frames the
             space,  the  second  symbol  is  the  dome  which                         Jahaz Mahal

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