Page 82 - SST Class 07
P. 82
6. The geographic discoveries led to change in
the pattern of trade after sixteenth century.
7. There also developed new port towns
during this period as described in later
section of this chapter.
8. Trade played an important role in emer-
gence of new crafts and occupations. It also
affected architecture. The craftsmen devel-
oped local styles of woodwork, furniture,
doors, windows, cooking utensils which
prevail up to this day.
Although, there is no clear-cut distinction
between two towns, yet, some of them differ
from another in terms of size, geographical
Traders after a hard day’s work location or even occupation of the residents.
1. It helped to bridge the gap between two Based on such distinctions, the researchers
religious communities — Hindus and categorised towns under several heads. They are
Muslims. The religion never came in the as under :
way of trade. Court Towns
2. There were many trading ports like These were the politically important and compar-
Masulipatam which were responsible for atively bigger towns of the country. They
economic prosperity of the kingdoms. included Delhi, Agra, Fatehpur Sikri and Lahore.
3. Trade helped the regional kingdoms to Delhi at that time was known as Shahjahanabad,
consolidate their rule. This was particularly after the name of emperor Shahjahan. The town
true in the case of Qutb Shahi dynasty in of Fatehpur Sikri was founded by Akbar and was
the sixteenth century that ruled Deccan. declared as capital during his reign. During the
4. Trade led the Mughal emperors specially medieval times, these towns held the seat of the
Akbar to launch successful onslaught against ruler, hence the name.
Deccan kingdom of Ahmednagar, Bijapur
and Golconda. It also brought about the fall
of Mughal empire because Aurangzeb
remained busy for most of his time in
Deccan campaigns.
5. Trade led to many geographic discoveries of
the features of Indian Ocean. Our knowl-
edge about the monsoon winds and how
these winds affected the ships sailing in the
Arabian Sea, came from the sailors in the
Indian Ocean. The sailors had his knowledge Shahjahanabad Town
even before the coming of the Europeans.
Social Science-7 82