Page 85 - SST Class 07
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permitted  the  Dutch  to  establish  a  trading  post   (set  up  by  Kathiawad  Seths  or  Mahajans).
             there. Masulipatnam was a production center of         The  ‘hundis’  (financial  instrument  developed  in
             fine  chintz,  which  was  much  in  demand  in  the   the  medieval  times  for  use  in  trade  and  credit
             markets of Southeast Asia.                             transactions) of Surat were honored in markets of

             Masulipatnam was and even today is famous for          Cairo  in  Egypt,  Basra  in  Iraq  and  Antwerp  in
             its  Kalamkari  work.  The  word  means  pen           Belgium.
             (Kalam) and work (kari). It refers to a method of      Towards  the  end  of  the  17th  century,  Surat
             painting natural and vegetable dyes on to cotton       began to decline as the trade capital because of
             or silk fabric with a bamboo pen. Masulipatnam         many  reasons  like  the  decline  of  the  Mughal
             was a major trading center for kalamkari textiles.     Empire and resulting in the loss of markets and
             These  textiles  were  exported  to  the  Safavid      productivity,  control  over  the  sea  routes  by  the
             Empire in Persia.                                      Portuguese  and  competition  from  Bombay
             When  Bombay,  Calcutta  and  Madras  became           (present  day  Mumbai)  as  the  East  India
             trading  posts  of  the  Europeans,  Masulipatnam      Company shifted its headquarters there in 1668.
             lost its importance.                                   However,  Surat  is  a  bustling  commercial  center
                                  SURAT                             of Gujarat today.
             The city of Surat was cosmopolitan as people of                TRADERS AND CRAFTSMEN
             all  castes  and  creeds  lived  there.  During  the   There were both small and big traders in towns.
             Mughal  period,  Surat,  Cambay  (present  day         The small traders operated in a limited area. The
             Khambhat)  and  later  Ahmedabad  carried  out         big ones owned large fleets of ships and traded in
             trade with the west. It was also called the gate to    many goods.
             Mecca as the pilgrim ships set sail from here. In      Spices  and  textiles  were  the  most  traded  items.
             the 17th century, the Protuguese, the Dutch and        These were sold to traders in the ports of the Red
             the English set up their factories and warehouses      Sea,  Persian  Gulf,  Southeast  Asia  and  China.
             in  Surat.  Textile  industry  of  Surat  has  been    Indian  spices  such  as  pepper,  Cinnamon  and
             famous for its Zari Work (intricate art of weaving     Nutmeg reached Europe. The traders involved in
             threads of fine gold and silver) and has a market      this trade reaped huge profits.
             in West Asia, Africa and Europe. Architecture of       Traders generally travelled in caravans. They also
             the city included magnificent buildings, many rest     formed  guilds  to  protect  their  interests.  The
             houses,  pleasure  parks,  huge  banking  houses       banjaras  were  a  trading  group.  They  travelled

                                 Zari Work                                                Pepper

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