Page 90 - SST Class 07
P. 90

Features of Tribal Societies                                Islands.  The  numbers  of  these  inhabitants

             Some special features of tribal societies are :             had  already  started  dwindling  during  the
                                                                         medieval period.
             g    These  tribal  societies  did  not  follow  any  of
                  the  social  rules  and  rituals  which  the      2.  Austro-Asiatic : The Austro-Asiatic people
                  Brahmanas  had  prescribed.  However,  they            are  mainly  found  in  the  north-east.  There
                  had very rich oral traditions.                         are some 200 indigenous tribes also living in
                                                                         this area. They are like Naga, Garo, Boro of
             g    They  were  not  divided  into  many  unequal
                                                                         the Mongoloid stock.
                                                                    3.  Greco-Indian  :  The  Greco-Indians  mostly
             g    Members  of  the  society  were  united  by
                                                                         came  from  Central  Asia  and  are  spread
                  kinship bonds.
                                                                         across Gujarat, Rajasthan and modern day
             The tribal communities based on linguistic groups
                                                                         Pakistan. The Gujjars and Bakarwals belong
             can be divided into four broad categories :
                                                                         to this group.
             1.  Veddids  :  They  are  similar  to  Australian
                                                                    4.  Negritos  :  Some  of  the  Dravidian  groups
                  aborigines or the original inhabitants of the
                                                                         and  those  living  in  the  Great  Andaman
                  land.  They  still  follow  their  traditional
                  customs, culture, food habits and dress. The           Islands belong to this group. The Dravidian
                                                                         groups  also  include  Gonds.  Some  of  the
                  aborigines are like Jarawas, Sentinelese and
                                                                         Gonds and Santhals living in Central India
                  Onges  of  the  Andaman  and  Nicobar
                                                                         speak Austral Dialects.

                                  Jarawas                                                 Nagas

                                   Onges                                                 Negritos

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