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These are hundreds of other groups who estab-          cultures. As a result, they slowly began to change
             lish their origin to one or the other groups. These    their  isolated  lifestyle.  Many  of  them  began  to
             tribal  groups  during  medieval  period  got  widely   lead a settled life and adopted better methods of
             dispersed all over India. There are also references    agriculture. Many tribal customs, ceremonies and
             to some tribal groups particularly those of Gonds      gods also became part of the existing culture.
             and Munda tribes in the Hindu epics, especially        During the medieval period, some tribes became
             Ramayana.  On  account  of  inter-mixing  it  is       dominant.  Those  that  controlled  the  key  trade
             difficult  to  draw  clear  boundary  lines  of  settle-  routes and forest resources became very power-
             ment.  While  most  of  the  tribal  communities  are   ful.  The  Mughals  tried  to  extract  either  taxes  or
             settled and spread over whole of India. There are      services from these tribal people. The Gonds and
             also mobile communities who have not settled at        the  Ahoms  were  two  tribal  groups  who  estab-
             any fixed place.                                       lished powerful and independent kingdoms.

             Occupations                                                                GONDS
             The  tribal  people  were  engaged  in  agriculture,   The Gonds lived in Gondwana which was a large
             herding  and  hunting-gathering.  They  depended       forested  region.  The  name  Gondwana  means
             on the natural resources of the region they lived      ‘country  inhabited  by  Gonds’.  The  kind  of
             in. Some tribes settled down in an area perma-         agriculture practised by them was called shifting
             nently,  while  others  led  a  nomadic  lifestyle  and   cultivation.  The  Gond  tribe  was  further  divided
             moved  from  one  place  to  another.  Settled  agri-  into many smaller clans. Each clan had its own
             culturists  remained  few  in  number.  There  were    raja  or  rai.  During  the  period  when  the  Delhi
             also  people  following  other  professions  who       Sultans  were  facing  a  decline  in  power,  a  few
             travelled from place to place, selling their goods     large  Gond  kingdoms  were  beginning  to  domi-
             or entertaining people with songs and folk tales.      nate  the  smaller  Gond  chiefs.  The  history  of
             Life of the Nomadic Tribal Groups                      Akbar’s reign, called Akbar Nama, mentions the
             Most  of  the  tribal  people  were  nomads.  They     Gond  kingdom  of  Garha  Katanga  that  had
             moved  about  with  their  animals.  When  the         70,000 villages.
             supply of food for these animals got exhausted in
             an  area,  they  moved  to  another  area.  They
             exchanged  milk,  honey,  wool,  ghee  and  so  on
             with  the  settled  agriculturists  for  grain  and  vari-
             ous other products.
             You have read about the banjaras in the previous
             chapter. They can be called nomadic or travelling
             traders.  They  travelled  with  their  families  in  big
             groups.  Contemporary  records  tell  us  that  they
             transported  grain  from  villages  to  towns  on
             bullock carts. They also reared and sold animals                             Gonds
             such as horses and cattle to people of the towns       The  administration  system  of  these  kingdoms
             they visited.                                          was  becoming  centralised  in  nature.  The  king-
             Changing Nature of Tribal Society                      dom was divided into garhs. A particular Gond

             With the time, tribal groups were exposed to new       clan  controlled  each  garh.  This  was  further

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