Page 29 - Computer Class 02
P. 29

To do any work on the computer, you have to follow these three
             simple steps.

                                  Input                     Process                     Output

             This is known as the IPO cycle.

                                        (I=Input, P=Process, O=Output)

             Taking commands from the user to the computer is called input                                        . It

             is performed with the help of input devices.

                       Keyboard                              Mouse                            Microphone

             All the above mentioned devices are input devices.

             Working on the input is called processing                        .

             CPU processes all the input data in it to give out the

             results. So, it is called processing device.

             Giving out the result is called output                   .

             Output devices allow us to receive information from

             the computer.                                                                                CPU

                           Monitor                            Speakers                           Printer

             All the above mentioned devices are output devices.

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