Page 31 - Computer Class 02
P. 31

4.      Which  device  allows  us  to  receive  information  from  the

                            a)  Output                                        b)  Input

                            c)  Process                                       d)  Storage

             B.     Identify and name the pictures.

                             1. __________                       2. __________                   3. __________

             C.     Unjumble the following and write the correct word.

                                                          C I D E

                    1.  P U         T N I          V    E                               __________________

                    2.    T U O U  P T                  D V        I     E  C E        __________________

                    3.  T R O S A G E                     E C I V D E                  __________________

             Descriptive Type Questions
             Answer the following questions.
                  1.  What is an input device?

                  2.  What is an output device?

                  3.  What is the function of a CPU?

                  4.  What do you mean by storage device?

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