Page 36 - Computer Class 02
P. 36

Control Key

             The  control  key           is  called  Ctrl  in  short.  There  are  two                      Ctrl

             control  keys  on  the  keyboard.  It  is  a  special  key  that

             helps to perform various functions. This key is especially                                    Ctrl Key

             helpful  in  performing  various  keyboard  shortcuts  like  copy,  paste

             and save. For example:

                Ctrl   +      C    =Copy             Ctrl   +      V =Paste             Ctrl   +     S =Save

               8  There are numbers, alphabets and some symbols printed on the keys of

                    the keyboard.

               8 The cursor keys are used to move the cursor.

               8 Each function key is used for some specific tasks / functions.

               8 Spacebar key is used to give space between two words.

             Objective Type Questions

             A.     Tick ( ) the correct one.3

                    1.      A keyboard has small:

                            a)  buttons                                       b)  lights

                            c)  keys                                          d)  designs

                    2.      Which keys are used to move the cursor in the directions?

                            a)  Arrow Keys                                    b)  Function Keys

                            c)  Number Keys                                   d)  Delete Keys

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