Page 22 - Computer Class 07
P. 22
2 2 2 Computer MemoryComputer MemoryComputer Memory
Read these difficult words given below carefully. Read these words only once. Now, tell
the spellings of these words to your benchmate one by one. Make sure that the
spellings must be covered while telling to your benchmate.
Omnipotent Onomatopoeia Palatable
Pandemonium Panorama Partiality
Pastime Patriarch Pediatrician
Peril Perjury Philanthropist
Picturesque Pittance Playwright
Poignancy Poignant Potpourri
What you observed now?
Do you remember all these spellings?
Yes No
Memory is the process of taking in information from the world around us, processing it,
storing it and later recalling that information, sometimes many years later.
Memory is required in computers to store data and instructions. Memory is physically
organised as a larger number of cells that are capable of storing one bit each. Logically they
are organised as groups of bits called words that are assigned an address. Data and
instructions are accessed through these memory address. The speed with which these
memory addresses can be accessed determines the cost of the memory. Faster the memory
speed, higher the price.
Computer memory can be said to be organised in a hiearchical way where memory with the
fastest access speeds and highest costs lies at the top whereas those with lowest speeds and
hence lowest costs lie at the bottom. Based on this criteria, memory is of two types—
primary and secondary.
Computer-7 22 Computer-1