Page 3 - Computer Class 07
P. 3
Computer is a great inven on of the modern technology. Computer is a new technology which is
used in offices, banks, educa onal ins tu ons, etc. To being with this society, now it becomes very
important to learn to work on the computer. With this purpose, we have designed our latest series
COMPUTER for grades 1 to 8 based on Windows 10 and MS Office 2016. This series is completely
based on the NCF.
The salient features of this series are:
w It is a compile of basic knowledge of computer.
w Very easy and simple language is used.
w Each topic is designed with examples including screenshots to make the concept clear.
w At the star ng of each chapter, there is an ac vity to prepare the students for the chapter.
w Fact Browser includes the important facts related to computer and the topic that has been
w Shortcut tells about important shortcut keys and methods to save the me.
w Smart Corner tells about the interes ng methods to handle the computer.
w Prac cal Window provides some tasks to do and understand the concept prac cally.
w Chapter Link contains a review of the chapter.
w The Exercise is a part of the chapter that contains objec ve type ques ons, descrip ve type
ques ons and applica on based ques ons.
w Task Pane includes the ac vi es/tasks which will help the students to be more comfortable
and friendly with computer.
w At the end of the book, Projects are given to measure the gathered knowledge of the
w Na onal Cyber Olympiad (NCO) is also given to prepare the students for the compe ve
examina ons.
If you want to make this series more useful then you can contact us. We will welcome your advice
open hear ly.