Page 5 - Computer Class 07
P. 5


                       Application software allows you to do everyday tasks on a computer such

                       as  writing  a  letter,  sending  an  e-mail,  making  a  poster  or  downloading  a
                       web page.

               Microsoft Word                                        Animation Software

               It is used to create, format,                         It allows for the creation
               save and print letters,                               of motion on a frame-by-
               reports, newsletters,                                 frame basic. Each frame is

               manuscripts, signs, certificates and                  the equivalent of a single drawing or
               other documents.                                      image.

               Microsoft Excel                                       Microsoft PowerPoint

               It is used to create                                  It is used to create
               electronic spreadsheets,                              presentations. It  is the
               organise data, create chart                           most effective tool in
               and perform calculations.                             lectures and seminars.

               Photoshop                                             Microsoft Access

               It is an image editing                                It is used to create tables,
               software developed and                                queries, forms and reports
               manufactured by Adobe                                 and connect them together
               System Inc.                                           with Macros.

               Tux Paint                                             QBasic
               It is a drawing program. It                           It is a high level

               helps to create beautiful                             programming language
               sceneries using its ready-                            that allows you to write

               made pictures. It is free of cost.                    programs. It uses English words and
                                                                     mathematical symbols to write
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