Page 180 - SST Class 07
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A  S  I  A
                                                                             north-south  barrier,  a  local  wind  ‘Chi-
                                                                             nook’ blows here.
                          Wainwright           Axel
                      Wales                  Heiberg I    ( D E N M A R K )
                      Nome   Kotzebue  BEAUFORT  Parry Is  Sverdrup  Ellesmere   Flora and Fauna
                                   SEA           I.      Upernavik
               Nunivak I  Nulato          Melville  Bathurst
                   Bethel  Holy Cross  Banks   I  Devon I  B a f f i n  Unmmannaq  Prairies are practically treeless. Based on
                    A L A S K A  Fort Yukon  I  Somerset  B a y  Ilulissat
                        Fairbanks  Circle   Prince of   I  Disko I  Qasigiannguit
                     ( U.     S.     A. )  Inuvik  Wales I
                                         Victoria                            availability of water, the plants found in
                       Anchorage          I
                    Seward  Valdez  Dawson                      Nuuk
                             Fort Good Hope  Kugluktuk
                  Kodiak I  Y U K O N
                       Cordova       Port Radium     Prince Charles I        the area are different.
                          T E R R I T O R Y
                            Whitehorse  N O R T H W E S T  Basin  Iqaluit
                         Skagway  T E R R I T O R I E S  Southampton I
                           Juneau  Fort Simpson  Yellowknife  Hudson Strait   Where  water  is  available,  trees  such  as
                         Sitka              Chesterfield Inlet  Coats I  LABRADOR
                                  Hay River         Mansel I  Ungave   SEA
                              Fort Nelson                  Bay               willows, alders and poplars grow. Where
                             B R I T I S H                     Nain
                             C O L U M B I A                   Hopedale
                           Prince Rupert
                     Queen Charlotte         Churchill  H u d s o n
                         Is  Kemano  Dawson Creek   B a y  Schefferville  Happy Valley-  rainfall  is  above  50  cm,  farming  is
                                                    Belcher I
                            Prince George  A L B E R T A  Lynn Lake  Fort Severn  Goose Bay
                                                      James             St. John's
                       Vancouver I  Edmonton  Prince Albert  M A N I T O B A  Bay  Newfoundland Cape Race  practiced as the soil is fertile. The main
                                                              Sept-lles  Gulf of
                             Vancouver  Calgary  SASKATCHEWAN
                                     Saskatoon       Moosonee      St  Lawrence  St. Pierre &
                             Victoria  Lethbridge                  EDWARD I  (FRANCE)
                                                                      Cape Breton I
                         Olympia  Seattle       O  N  T  A  R  I  O  Chibougamau  Charlottetown  crop here is maize. The other crops that
                            WASHINGTON       Winnipeg               Dartmouth
                         Portland  Spokane  N O R T H  Thunder Bay  Quebec  Saint John
                         Salem    M O N T A N A  D A K O T A   MAINE  Halifax  are grown in this area include potatoes,
                         Eugene   Helena      MINNESOTA  Sault Ste Marie  OTTAWA  Montreal  Augusta
                          O R E G O N  Billings  Bismarck  Duluth  Sudbury  VERMONT  Concord  New York - Gibraltor
                           Medford  Boise     St. Paul  M I C H I G A N  Montpelier NH  MA
                               I D A H O  Pierre  Minneapolis  WISCONSIN  Toronto  Albany   Boston  soyabean, alfa-alfa and cotton.
                                                            N Y
                                          S O U T H
                                    W Y O M I N G  D A K O T A  Milwaukee Lansing  Buffalo Hartford  CO  RH
                                            Sioux Falls  Madison  Detroit  PN  New York
                       Sacramento  Carson City  Cheyenne  I O W A  Chicago  Harrisburg  Trenton
                      San Francisco  Salt Lake City  N E B R A S K A  ILLINOIS  O H I O  NJ
                             N E V A D A  Lincoln  Des Moines  Indianapolis Columbus Annapolis  Dover  Areas  where  rainfall  is  very  little  or
                                    Denver               WEST  DE
                         Fresno  U T A H        Springfield  VIRGINIA  WASHINGTON D.C.
                                    C O L O R A D O  Topeka  INDIANA  ML
                             Las Vegas  Pueblo  K A N S A S  Jefferson City  Charleston  Richmond  New York - Cape Town
                        Bakersfield  CALIFORNIA        Frankfort V I R G I N I A  unreliable, short and sparse grasses are
                              U N I T E D   S T A T E S  O F  A M E R I C A  NORTH
                                                    K E N T U C K Y
                         Los Angeles  A R I Z O N A  Santa Fe  MISSOURI  Nashville  C A R O L I N A  Bermuda
                                  Albuquerque  Amarillo Oklahoma  ARKANSAS  T E N N E S S E E  Raleigh
                                                         S O U T H
                         San Diego  Mexicali  Phoenix  City  Memphis  C A R O L I N A
                                           O K L A H O M A
                           Tijuana   N E W    Little Rock  Birmingham  N O R T H  found. These areas are suitable for cattle
                                    M E X I C O  Wichita Falls  Atlanta  Columbia
                                 Tucson   Fort Worth   Dallas  Jackson Montgomery  Savannah
                                     El Paso            GEORGIA  A T L A N T I C
                                  Ciudad Juarez   M I S S I S S I P P I  ALABAMA
                        Guadalupe I    T  E  X  A  S  L O U I S I A N A  Jacksonville  rearing.  Large  cattle  farms  are  called
                                 Hermosillo  Austin  Baton Rouge   O C E A N
                                        San Antonio  Houston  New Orleans  Tampa
                P A C I F I C
                                  Chihuahua           Tallahassee F L O R I D A  ranches.  These  are  looked  after  by
                                                      St. Petersburg
                                             Corpus Christi    BAHAMAS  S A R G A S S O
                                      Torreon             Miami        S E A
                                            Matamoros  G u l f     o f   Florida   Strait  NASSAU
                               Gulf of Califormia
                              La Paz     Monterrey                  Turks & Caicos Is.
                O C E A N
                                   Culiacan      M e x i c o          (U.K.)  Puerto sturdy men called cowboys.
                                                            C U B A  DOMINICAN San Juan
               Tahiti - San Francisco  REFERENCES  Honolulu - Panama  Revilla Gigedo Is  Guadalajara  Leon Queretaro Puebla Compeche  Merida  JAMAICA  PORT-AU-PRINCE  DOMINGO
                                               Gulf of
                                      MEXICO CITY
                                                                       S E A
                  ML _
                  DE _  Maryland  Los Angeles - Valparalso  Acapulco  Oaxaca  BELMOPAN  New Orleans- Colon  C A R I B B E A N
                  NJ  _  New Jersey                    HONDURAS
                  CO _  Connecticut       Los Angeles - Panama  GUATEMALA  CITY  TEGUCIGALPA  Colon - New York
                  RH _  Rhode Island          GUATEMALA          Colon - Gibraltor
                                               SAN SALVADOR
                  MA _  Massachusetts           EL SALVADOR  NICARAGUA
                  NH _  New Hampshire                   MANAGUA
                  NY _  New York
                   _             San Francisco - Cape Horn    Colon  S O U T H
                  PN  Pennsylvania                        SAN JOSE  PANAMA CITY
                                                       COSTA RICA
                                                            PANAMA  A M E R I C A
                                                              Gulf of
                                     North America
                  the  Rocky  Mountains  in  the  West  and  the
                  Great Lakes in the East.
             g    The prairies in the USA are drained by the
                  tributaries  of  Mississippi  and  the  Canadian
                  prairies  are  drained  by  the  tributaries  of
                  Saskatchewan Rivers.
             Since  the  prairies  are  located  in  the  heart  of  a
             continent, the climate is of continental type with
             extreme  temperatures.  The  summers  are  warm,
             with  temperatures  of  around  20°C  and  winters
             are very cold with temperatures of around –20°C
             being recorded in Winnipeg, Canada. In winters,
             a thick blanket of snow covers this region.
             It rains moderately in this region and is ideal for
             the  growth  of  grass.  Due  to  the  absence  of  the
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