Page 185 - SST Class 07
P. 185

Flora and Fauna of Ladakh                              small  businesses  and  shops.  They  cater  to  the

             Because of the extreme dryness, you would find         needs of the tourists who visit each year. Mostly,
             sparse  vegetation  in  the  area.  There  are  scanty   women manage these shops and businesses.
             patches  of  grasses  and  shrubs  for  animals  to    Infrastructure
             graze. During the summers, trees of fruits such as     Leh, the capital of Ladakh is well connected by
             apples, apricots and walnuts bloom.                    road  as  well  as  air.  The  National  Highway  1A
             Several species of birds such as robins, red stars,    connects Leh to Kashmir Valley through the Zoji
             Tibetan  snowcock,  raven  and  hoopoe  are  com-      La Pass.
             mon.  Some  of  these  are  migratory  birds.  The     Tourism
             animals include wild goats, wild sheep, yak and        This  is  a  major  tourist  attraction  for  tourists
             special kinds of dogs. The animals are reared to
                                                                    across  the  globe.  The  tourists  visit  the  gompas,
             provide :
                                                                    do trekking to see the meadows and glaciers and
             g    Milk  :  Yak’s  milk  is  used  to  make  cheese   witness the ceremonies and festivities. It is a great
                  and butter.                                       place for the bikers and the adventure lovers.
             g    Meat

             g    Hide
             g    Hair : The hair on the sheep and goats is
                  used to make woollens.

             You  would  mostly  find  either  Muslims  or
             Buddhists  here.  Ladakh  is  blessed  with  many
             Buddhist  monasteries.  Some  of  the  famous
             monasteries  are  Hemis,  Thiksey,  Shey,  and
             Lamayuru.  The  people  of  this  region  resemble
             the people of Tibet and Central Asia.
                                                                    Changes in Area
             Cultivation Activity
                                                                    Modernisation has not left Ladakh aloof. The life
             In  the  summer,  people  usually  cultivate  barley,
                                                                    of  the  people  is  undergoing  a  change.  This  is
             potato, beans and turnip. In the winter months,
                                                                    mainly  because  of  the  modern  technology  and
             due to the harsh climate, people keep themselves
                                                                    lifestyle. The people of Ladakh have over centu-
             engaged in festivities and ceremonies. You would
                                                                    ries learned to live in harmony with nature.
             find  the  women  working  comparatively  more
                                                                    Due to the scarcity of resources, they understand
             than the men.
                                                                    their  value  and  conserve  them.  They  do  not
             Business Culture
                                                                    waste  the  resources  and  use  them  very  judi-
             Since  Ladakh  is  one  of  the  most  sought-after    ciously. To know the beauty of Ladakh, one has
             tourist  places  in  India,  and  also  the  world,  the   to visit the place. You can get proper enthusiasm
             business is quite profound. You will find a lot of     when you visit this amazing place.

              Optimise    :  make the best or most effective use of (a situation or resource)
              Flourished  :  grow  or  develop  in  a  healthy  or  vigorous  way,  especially  as  the  result  of  a  particularly
                             congenial environment
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