Page 190 - SST Class 07
P. 190
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You must know that India is the largest democ- FORMS OF GOVERNMENT
racy in the world. But, what does that mean for To understand what democracy is, we first need
us and for its citizens? How do the concepts of to have an idea about other forms of govern-
democracy and equality affect our daily lives and ment. For instance, an absolute monarchy means
livelihood? Let us learn about Equality and the rule by a king or queen; and a dictatorship
Inequality in Indian Democracy. means the rule by an unelected and powerful
What is Equality in Indian Democracy? dictator. As heads of state, both the monarch and
the dictator hold absolute powers and are above
the law. They are not accountable to the people.
As a form of government, democracy is very
different from the rule of a king or a dictator. It
stands for people’s rule. People ae involved in the
formation of government, directly or indirectly,
through the means of elections. If the govern-
ment is elected and run directly by the people, it
is called direct democracy. This, however, may
not be practical today, especially in countries with
a large population. In most countries, including
We live in India, the largest democracy in the
India, people elect their representatives for a
world. This means that in India, there is a rule of
the people, by the people and for the people. fixed term, who in turn form and run the govern-
ment on behalf of the people. This is called
There are many important requirements for a
indirect or representative democracy.
country to truly be democratic and the most
important is Equality for its citizens. This means On their visit to the Museum of World History,
that everybody is equal in the eyes of law, which type of democracy — direct or indirect —
without any discrimination on grounds of race, did the students find in ancient Greece? Discuss
religion, gender, caste, class or birth. why it is not so practical today.
Equality is so important because it preserves the Unlike the monarchies, in most democracies the
“dignity” of an individual. Dignity means self- head of the country (President) is also elected by
respect and the respect of an individual deserves the people. Such countries are called republics.
from others for being a fellow human being. It is Thus, India is a ‘democratic republic’ because we
an essential and basic human right. However, have both the government and the head of the
this ideal case doesn’t exist. Even today, many state or President elected by the people.
forms of Inequality exist in India. The constitution of India, as the primary source
of all laws, is the guiding framework for the
Social Science-7 190