Page 193 - SST Class 07
P. 193

treated equally and should have equal opportu-         Fortunately,  not  many  people  paid  heed  to  this
             nities  for  the  growth  of  development.  No  one    call.  If  the  public  had  not  rejected  this  boycott
             should enjoy more privileges than others on the        call, it would have led those shopkeepers to close
             basis of religion, caste, race or place of birth. No   their shops for no fault of theirs.
             one should be denied equal opportunities.              All  should  be  free  and  self-reliant  in  matters  of

             In  our  country,  37  percent  of  the  people  live   earning  their  livelihood.  Does  it  mean  that  all
             below the poverty line. It means that 37 people        should earn the same amount, or that all should
             out  of  every  100  Indians  live  on  less  than  `20   live in the same type of houses, or that qualifica-
             per day!                                               tions  should  not  be  of  any  consideration  for
             The caste system that existed in India gave rise to    getting  employment?  No.  It  only  means  that  all
             untouchability in the past. Although, it has now       should have equal opportunities to be employed
             been  abolished  by  our  constitution,  it  had       or to set up their own businesses.
             already created a wall between the so-called high      Economic democracy also means absence of all
             castes  and  low  castes.  It  not  only  divided  our   exploitation,  that  is,  workers  should  not  be
             society,  but  also  deprived  a  large  section  of   exploited by owners and peasants should not be
             people of their basic rights. A democratic society     landlords. Equal wages should be given for equal
             should be able to remove all these social differ-      work.  No  distinction  should  be  made  between
             ences. Once, all men and women become equal            men  and  women.  There  can  be  no  economic
             socially, they will also be equal politically. Thus, a   democracy  if  there  is  no  fair  distribution  of
             truly democratic government is possible only with      wealth in the society. If wealth is concentrated in
             a democratically-organised society.                    the  hands  of  a  few,  there  can  be  no  economic
             Economic Democracy                                     justice.
             All  members  of  the  society  should  have  equal    Democracy is based on two important principles
             economic opportunities.                                —  liberty  and  equality.  Individual  freedom  and
             A few years ago, media reports from one of our         equal opportunities are necessary conditions for
             cities had brought to light a secret campaign be       a  democracy  to  be  successful.  Depriving  some-
             some  vested  interests  to  isolate  and  boycott     one  of  her  or  his  means  of  livelihood  goes
             shopkeepers  belonging  to  a  particular  religion.   against the very ideal of economic democracy. It
             Malicious  rumors  and  biased  stories  were  circu-  denies  one’s  right  to  equal  opportunities  and
                                                                    economic  growth.  Thus,  a  democratic  govern-
             lated against them. People were urged not to buy
                                                                    ment  will  be  meaningful  only  if  its  citizens  are
             things from them.
                                                                    socially equal and economically free.


              Discrimination   :  the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the
                                  grounds of race, age or sex
              Dignity          :  the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect
              Monarchy         :  a form of government with a monarch at the head
              Assimilates      :  take in and understand fully (information or ideas)
              Protested        :  express an objection to what someone has said or done
              Dictatorship     :  a country governed by a dictator

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