Page 198 - SST Class 07
P. 198

When someone talks about which state each one          5.   The  same  principle  applies  to  public  jobs.
             hails from, he/she tends to say “I am Gujjar, he is         All  citizens  have  equality  of  opportunity  in
             Punjabi, that guy is Marwari, that guy is from UP           matters relating to employment or appoint-
             and Sabu is a Christian”. As if, being a Christian,         ment to any position in the government.
             I do not belong to any state, as if, I am a migrant    6.   Practice  of  untouchability  in  any  form  is
             from Europe or United Sates.                                prohibited.  If  anyone  practice  untouchabi-

               EQUALITY IN INDIAN CONSTITUTION                           lity, he/she is liable to imprisonments or fine.
             The  constitution  of  India  says  that  the  govern-  The  principle  of  non-discrimination  extends  to
             ment  shall  not  deny  to  any  person  in  India     social life as well. The constitution mentions the
             equality before the law or the equal protection of     practice of untouchability and clearly directs the
             the  laws.  It  means  that  the  laws  apply  in  the   government to put an end to it. The practice of
             same  manner  to  all,  regardless  of  a  person’s    untouchability  has  been  forbidden  in  any  form.
             status. This is called the rule of law. It means that   The  constitution  of  India  has  made  untoucha-
             no person is above the law. There cannot be any        bility a punishable offence.
             distinction  between  a  political  leader,  govern-
             ment official and an ordinary citizen.
                                                                     Untouchability  is  the  social  practice  of  ostracising  a
                                                                     minority  endogamous  group  by  regarding  them  as
              Equality is an important element of a democracy. It    “ritually  polluted”  and  segregating  them  from  the
              means all are equal before law. There is rule of law   mainstream by social custom.
              and no discrimination is made on the basis of caste,   The term is commonly associated with treatment of
              creed, races, religion, sex, etc.                      the Dalit class in India. Untouchability has been made
                                                                     illegal  in  post-independence  India,  but  prejudice
             This  basic  position  is  further  classified  in  the
             constituent  by  spelling  out  some  implications  of
                                                                       MANY FORMS OF UNTOUCHABILITY
             the Right to Equality.
                                                                    In 1999, P. Sainath wrote a series of news reports
             1.   The  government  shall  not  discriminate
                                                                    describing  untouchability  and  caste  discrimina-
                  against  any  citizen  on  grounds  of  religion,
                  caste, sex or place of birth.                     tion still being practised in many places.
                                                                    g    Tea  stalls  kept  two  kinds  of  cups.  One  for
             2.   Every  citizen  shall  have  equal  access  to
                  public  place  like  shops,  restaurants,  hotels      Dalits and one for them.
                  and cinema halls.                                 g    Barbers refused to serve Dalit clients.
             3.   There shall be no restrictions with regard to     g    Dalit students were made to sit separately in
                  the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads,         the classroom.
                  playgrounds  and  places  of  public  resorts     g    Dalit  grooms  were  not  allowed  to  ride  a
                  maintained by government or dedicated to               horse in the wedding procession.
                  the use of general public.                        Keeping  this  provision,  the  constitution  in  view,

             4.   These might appear very obvious, but it was       the  government  has  taken  the  undermentioned
                  necessary  to  incorporate  these  rights  in  the   steps :
                  constitution  of  our  country  where  the  tradi-  1.   Reservation  of  government  jobs  in  the
                  tional caste system did not allow people from          following  ratio—15%  for  the  Scheduled
                  some communities to access all public places.          Castes  (SCs),  7.5%  for  the  Scheduled

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