Page 199 - SST Class 07
P. 199
Tribes (STs) and 27% for the Other can bring about the downfall of the government
Backward Classes (OBCs). before the complication of its tenure.
2. Reservation of Lok Sabha Constituencies The government’s work is extended in various
for these classes. field. All the elected ministers are not capable to
3. Reservation of seats in educational institu- do their duty as expected from them. So, they
tions. take the help of the civil servants to discharge
4. Provision of grants and scholarships to the their duties. The civil servants who are elected
through competitive examination are well-trained
economically weaker sections of Indian
in their respective fields. These be autocratic
constitute the non-political executive. They have
5. Launching vocational training in tribal areas,
to serve the government and not the elected
the government is also making concerted
representative or political executives.
efforts to protect the interests of the above
section and bring them to the national Preamble of the Indian Constitution
mainstream by bringing reservation in the
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly
private sector. This will bring them at par
resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN
with other sections of Indian society.
THE PROCESS OF DECISION MAKING REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens
India is a democratic country. In a democratic JUSTICE, social, economic, politicals;
type of government like ours all the decisions are LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and
taken by the three organs of the government. worship;
These independent organs of the government EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to
carry all the work of government. These three promote among them all
organs are— legislative, executive and judiciary.
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individ-
They work in accordance with the rules and
ual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
regulations laid down by the constitution of
day of november, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT,
The foremost duty of the legislature is to make
law. The legislature is always responsible towards
the citizen because one of the houses of state
legislature is always elected by the people. Its The third organ of the government is judiciary.
elected members are their representatives. All this According to the constitution of India, judiciary is
process is carried through periodic elections. independent in taking its decision. It punishes
The law made by legislature are implemented by those people who do not obey the rule and
executives. But, nowadays, the scenario has regulation laid down by the government. It
already changed. Now, executive actively leads ensures the smooth working of the government.
in all decision-making policies, which are also The law made/passed by the legislature are
approved by legislature later on. The executive against the wishes of the people, then according
who are answerable to the people take major to the constitution, it can declare these laws are
decisions related to the functioning of the legal. Judiciary is free to control both law making
government. Any wrong decision taken by them and law implementing bodies.
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