Page 200 - SST Class 07
P. 200
The process of decision making is very time particularly oppressive for the blacks. They were
consuming, but it is well-balanced. Hence, it is forbidden from living in areas where the white
widely accepted by the people. people lived. Train, buses, hotels, hospitals,
EQUALITY IN OTHER DEMOCRACIES schools, colleges, libraries, beaches, pools thea-
“I have fought against white domination … I tres, etc... were all separate for the white and
have cherished the ideal of democrats and free
society in which all persons live together in As protests and struggles against apartheid had
harmony and with equal opportunities... increased, the government put an end to the
oppression. Finally, at the midnight of 26 April,
— Nelson Mandela.
1994, the new national flag of the Republic of
South Africa was unfurled. The apartheid gov-
ernment came to an end, putting way for the
formation of a multinational racial government.
Equality is the key feature of democracy.
However, no country can be described as com-
pletely democratic. Individuals or one can say
great men always strive to expand the ideals of
democracy. They struggle for the recognition of
all persons as equal. Think it over! How does the
This was Nelson Mandela who was given life
issue of equality affect various aspects or our day
imprisonment in 1964 as he opposed the apart-
to day life? How can we help to bring about
heid regime in South Africa. Apartheid was the
equality and maintain the dignity of all individu-
name of a system of racial discrimination unique
to South Africa. The apartheid system was
Assumption : a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof
Irrespective : not taking (something) into account; regardless
Provision : the action of providing or supplying something for use
Phenotype : the physical expression or characteristics of that trait
Creed : a system of religious belief or a faith
Endogamous : marriage within a specific group as required by custom or law
Apartheid : a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race
Inside Story
Inside Story
g Equality helps in the smooth functioning of democracy.
g In India, all the citizens above the age of 18 years have the right to vote.
g The constitution of India says that the government shall not deny to any person’s equality
before law or the equal protection of laws.
g Practice of untouchability is prohibited.
Social Science-7 200