Page 205 - SST Class 07
P. 205
(d) The Governor of North-eastern states (f) CM is the leader of the State Legislative
have special powers for the administra- Assembly.
tion for tribal areas. (g) He may recommend dissolution of the State
Position of Governor Legislative Assembly to the Governor.
(a) He is the constitutional Head of the State. Position of Chief Minister
(b) He acts on the advice of the Chief Minister (a) Chief Minister enjoys a prominent position
and the Council of Ministers. in the State Government.
(c) He exercises his discretionary power if no (b) His position depends upon his party’s
party commands majority in the Legislative majority in the legislature. A coalition
Assembly. government, tends to weaken his position.
CHIEF MINISTER AND COUNCIL OF State Council of Ministers
MINISTERS The Governor is the nominal head of the State
The State Executive is based on the Parliamen- government. The real executive is the Council of
tary system of government. Governor is the Ministers.
constitutional or nominal head. The Chief Composition of Council of Ministers
Minister is the real head of the state. (a) The Council of Ministers is appointed by the
Chief Minister (CM) Governor on the advice of the Chief
The Governor appoints the Chief Minister. In Minister.
normal circumstances, the leader of majority (b) According to 91st Amendment Act, the total
party is State Legislative Assembly is appointed strength of Council of Ministers including
as the Chief Minister. However, if no Party CM, cannot exceed 15% of the total
commands Majority, the Governor, after assess- strength of state Legislative Assembly.
ing all claims, appoints the Chief Minister exercis- (c) Small states however can have 12 ministers.
ing his discretion. Functions of Council of Ministers
Powers of Chief Minister (a) They take and form all important policy
(a) The Chief Minister is the link between the decisions.
Council of Ministers and the Governor. CM (b) When the cabinet takes a decision, the
tells the Governor about all the decisions of concerned ministry implements it.
the State government.
(c) They implement all decisions given by the
(b) The Governor appoints the entire Council of Central Government.
Ministers on the advice of the Chief Minister.
(d) The Council of Ministers performs legislative
The CM can change his Council of Ministers
functions. All government bills are prepared,
as and when he likes.
presented and defended in the State
(c) CM chairs the meetings of the cabinet. Legislature by the ministers.
(d) CM directs the policies of the government (e) The state budget is presented by the
and maintains a policy coordination Finance Minister of the concerned state.
between his cabinet.
(e) CM announces all the important public STATE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS
The Council of Ministers, headed by CM is
collectively responsible to the Legislative
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