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(ii)  Discussion and Debate                  (b)  He should not be less than 30 years of age.

                       (iii)  Adjournment Motion                    (c)  He  should  have  such  qualifications  as
                       (iv)  Censure Motion                              prescribed by the Parliament.
                       (v)  Cut Motion                              Comparison of State Legislative Assembly
                  (b)  The  State  Legislative  Assembly  can       with State Legislative Council
                       even  pass  a  vote  of  no-confidence       State Legislative Assembly
                       against the government. In such a case,      1.   It is also called Vidhan Sabha.
                       the State government has to resign.          2.   Money  Bills  originate  only  in  State

             4.  Electoral Powers                                        Legislative Assembly
                  (a)  The  Members  of  Legislative  Assembly      3.   Council of Ministers is collectively responsi-
                       (MLA) are part of the electoral college           ble only to the Legislative Assembly. It can
                       which elects the President of India.              even  pass  a  no-confidence  motion  against
                  (b)  They  elect  MLCs  and  members  of               the state government.
                       Rajya Sabha.                                 4.   Non-money  Bills  can  originate  in  either
             5.  Constitution – Amending Powers                          house. The assembly can pass a bill even if

                  There  are  certain  provisions  in  the  Indian       the council has rejected it or delayed it.
                  constitution which require the approval of at     5.   They  are  a  part  of  the  electoral  college
                  least half of state legislature for amendment.         electing the President.
                  These include :                                   State Legislative Council
                  (a)  Election of Indian President                 1.   It is also called Vidhan Parishad.
                  (b)  Union Judiciary                              2.   Money bills do not originate in the council
                  (c)  Representation of State in Parliament             and enjoys only delaying power of 14 days.

                 QUALIFICATION FOR BECOMING A                       3.   It has no such power and exercises control
               MEMBER OF LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY                            only through questions, debates and discus-
             (a)  A person should be a citizen of India.
                                                                    4.   Non-money  Bills  can  originate  here.
             (b)  He should not be less than 25 years of age.
                                                                         However,  if  a  bill  is  not  passed  by  the
             (c)  He should have all qualifications prescribed
                                                                         council even after 30 days it is deemed as
                  by the Parliament.
             Disqualifications  for  Becoming  a  Member
                                                                    5.   They are not a part of the electoral college
             of State Legislative Assembly & Council
                                                                         electing the President.
             (a)  A person should not hold and office of profit
                                                                    Procedure of Passing a Non-Money Bill
                  under the government.
                                                                    The  bills  are  introduced  by  a  minister.  It  passes
             (b)  He  should  not  be  of  unsound  mind  or  an
                                                                    through the following stages :
                  undischarged insolvent.
                                                                    (a)  First Reading : The minister first seeks the
             (c)  He should not be disqualified under any law
                                                                         permission  of  the  House  to  introduce  the
                  made by Parliament.
                                                                         Bill.  No  debate  takes  place  at  this  stage.
             Qualifications  for  Becoming  a  Member  of
                                                                         Minister states the important features of the
             State Legislative Council
             (a)  He should be a citizen of India.

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