Page 206 - SST Class 07
P. 206
Assembly. If a decision is taken by the cabinet, known as Members of Legislative Assembly
the entire Council of Ministers has to stand by it, (MLA), and are elected for a period of 5 years.
if any ministerial responsibility through the Composition of State Legislative Council
following methods : The total strength of the State Legislative Council
(a) By asking questions and supplementary shall not exceed one-third of the total number of
questions. members in the State Legislative Assembly. It is a
(b) Zero-Hour; permanent house. Its members are elected for a
(c) Adjournment motion, six-year term with one-third members retiring
(d) No-confidence motion. after every 2 years. Its composition is as follows :
If a No-confidence motion is passed, the entire (a) One-third members are elected by the
council of ministers has to resign. members of the State Legislative Assembly.
State Legislature (b) One-third members are elected by members
of municipalities and state local bodies.
The Indian Union consists of 28 states and 9
Union Territories. (c) One-twelfth members are elected by teach-
ers of three years standing.
Bicameral Legislature
(d) One-twelfth members are elected by gradu-
The State Legislature consists of the Governor
ates of more than three years standing.
and two houses :
(e) One sixth members are nominated by the
(a) The Upper House known as the Legislative
Governor from distinguished persons.
Powers of State Legislative
(b) The Lower House known as the Legislative
Assembly. 1. Legislative Powers
In India, the state of Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, (a) It makes law over subjects mentioned
Karnataka, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh have in the state list.
two bicameral legislatures. All the other states (b) It makes laws over subjects mentioned
have unicameral legislature., i.e., lower house in the state list, but if its law comes into
known as State Legislative Assembly. conflict with the central law, the central
Composition of Legislative Assembly law prevails over the state law.
The State Legislative Assembly consists of 2. Financial Powers
members chosen by direct election on the basis (a) The legislature passes the budget.
of Universal Adult Franchise. The number of (b) Money bills can originate only in the
members shall not be more than 60. The compo- Legislative Assembly.
sition of Legislative Assembly varies from seats to 3. Executive Powers
state depending upon its population. U.P. With (a) The Council of Ministers is individually
404 seats has the maximum number of states. and collectively responsible to the State
Seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes and
Legislative Assembly. The State
Scheduled Tribes in proportion to their popula-
Legislature uses the following tech-
tion while one Anglo-Indian member may be
niques to control the ministers:
nominated by the Governor to give their com-
(i) Questions and supplementary
munity adequate representation. Its members are
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