Page 208 - SST Class 07
P. 208

(b)  Second Reading : At this stage, the Bill is       Levels of Bureaucracy
                  referred  to  a  standing  committee  of  the     1.   All  India  Services  and  Central  Services  for
                  house. After this, a clause-by-clause discus-          which  examinations  are  conducted  by  the
                  sion takes place on the report of the com-             Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
                  mittee. All the clause and amendments are         2.   There is provision for a State Public Service
                  put to vote and disposed of.                           Commission  (SPSC)  for  each  state  for

             (c)  Third Reading : At this stage, a restricted            recruiting,  training  and  promotion  of  state
                  debate  takes  place  over  the  Bill.  After  the     civil servants.
                  Bill is passed, it is sent to the second house    Function of Civil Servants/Administrators
                  in case of bicameral legislatures.
                                                                    (a)  The council of ministers makes policy. But,
             (d)  Role of the Other House : The Bill goes                in  reality,  it  is  these  civil  servants  who
                  to another House. It may delay it or recom-            analyses  problems  and  collect  data  on
                  mend  suggestions.  However,  if  the  State           important policy decisions.
                  Legislative  Assembly  passed  it  once  again,
                                                                    (b)  The minister issue instruction for the imple-
                  the  Bill  is  sent  to  the  Governor  for  his
                                                                         mentation,  other  state  officials,  district  and
                  assent. There is no provision for joint sitting
                                                                         subordinate  civil  servants  help  the  minister
                  in states.
                                                                         in the implementation of the policy.
             (e)  Governor Assent : After being passed by
                                                                    (c)  The  administration  plays  a  major  role  in
                  State Legislature, the Bill goes to Governor
                                                                         providing socio-economic justice to people.
                  for  his  assent.  He  may  give  his  assent  or
                                                                    Shortcomings of Administrators in India
                  sent it once back for reconsideration. If the
                                                                    (a)  Apathy  of  administration  towards  local
                  state  legislature  passes  the  Bill  once  again,
                  the  Governor  has  to  give  his  assent.
                  However, Bills of national or public impor-       (b)  Political instability.
                  tance may be reserved by the Governor for         (c)  Political bureau nexus leading to corruption
                  the consideration of the President.                    and delay in policy decisions.
                 ADMINISTRATION: BUREAUCRACY                        Suggestions  for  Making  Administration
             Political Executive vs Permanent Executive             Effective

             The  Council  of  Ministers  headed  by  the  Chief    (a)  Appointment  of  a  Lokaykta  in  each  state
             Minister is elected for a term of five years. Their         and  Lokpal  at  the  national  level  to  make
             tenure  is  not  permanent,  because  of  rising            administrators  accountable  and  reduce
             coalitions. It is known as Political Executive.             corruption.
             The  Permanent  Executive  consists  of  the  Civil    (b)  To  secure  the  position  of  civil  servants  so
             Servants  or  Bureaucrats  who  are  selected               that they come out of the clutches of politi-
             through  a  competitive  examination  both  at  the         cal opportunisms.
             national  and  state  level.  These  bureaucrats  do   (c)  To  involve  local  people  in  the  work  of
             not  change  with  a  change  in  the  permanent            development  by  removing  the  superiority
             executive  and  aid  and  advise  the  government           gap  between  the  administrators  and  the
             leading to a continuity in administration.                  people.

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