Page 203 - SST Class 07
P. 203
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State Government —
Its Working
In a federal form of government, the state gov- years. Executive power of the state is vested in
ernment is the government of a country’s subdi- the Governor. But, the actual powers for proper
visions and shares political power with the functioning of the state are vested on the CM and
national government. his council of ministers.
In the constitution of India, which is a sovereign Judiciary : State’s High Courts have jurisdiction
socialist secular democratic republic, the country over the whole state. In the states, the judicial
has three levels of governments— the Central, setup is headed by the Chief Justice. He man-
the States and the Union Territories, besides the ages and controls the entire judicial system of the
third level of governments, comprising the state pertaining to criminal, civil and all other
panchayats in rural areas and municipalities in
forms of litigation. State’s High Courts have to,
urban areas. In India, the state governments are however, report to the Supreme Court of India,
the level of government below the central gov-
which may over-ride the High Court’s findings
ernment. Each state of the country is governed
and judgements.
by the state government. There are 28 states and
Legislature : Each state has a Legislative
3 union territories (Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir,
assembly. It consists of the Governor and one
Puducherry) in our country, each of which is
House or two Houses, as the case may be. In
headed by the governor and the Chief Minister
(CM). The CM also heads the Council of seven states, the state government’s legislature is
Ministers. bicameral. These states are Bihar, Andhra
Pradesh, Telangana, Jammu and Kashmir,
The State government consists of a Governor,
Karnataka, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.
Chief Minister and his Council of Ministers.
These form the State Executive. In addition, we These states have two Houses known as
have the State Legislature which is composed of Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad) and
two houses — Legislative Assembly and Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha). The rest of
Legislative Council. The State Executive func- the states are unicameral. There is only one
tions with the help of administrators at the state House known as Legislative Assembly. State
level. These constitute the secretaries, civil Legislature or State Assemblies are headed by
servants, magistrate, etc., at the state and district the CM.
level within the state. STATE EXECUTIVE
GOVERNMENT The Governor is appointed by the President for a
Executive : State Executive comprises of the term of five years. He can, however, be removed
governor and the chief minister with his Council earlier since the governor holds office during the
of Ministers. The Governor of each state is pleasure of the President.
appointed by the President for a period of five
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