Page 191 - SST Class 07
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working of democracy in our country. The values Cedar Revolution Lebanon 2005
of human dignity and equality for all are
Tulip Revolution Kyrgyzstan 2005
enshrined in it.
MEANING OF DEMOCRACY Crimson Revolution Tibet 2008
Democracy implies the rule of the common Let us read about the people’s movement for
people. It is derived from the Greek word democracy in Nepal.
‘demokratia’, combining demos (common
people) and kratos (power).
Nepal is one of our neighbouring countries. Till
The meaning of democracy has changed with
recently, it was a kingdom ruled by the king with
time. For instance, democracy in ancient Greece
absolute power vested in him. People across the
did not grant voting rights to women and slaves.
kingdom protested against this system of abso-
The modern understanding of democracy started
lute monarchy. In 1990, the king agreed to make
to take shape in the late eighteenth century. New
it a parliamentary monarchy, by which he
Zealand became the first nation to grant equal
remained the Head of State while an elected
voting rights to all its citizens as early as 1893.
Prime Minister ran the government.
Things have changed rapidly since then. Most
In 2002, the king sacked the elected Prime
countries in the world today are democracies.
minister and started appointing his men to
They have granted equal voting rights to all their
important positions. Further, in February 2005
the king dismissed the entire government and
Democracy is an ever-evolving concept. It
assumed full executive powers.
accepts changes and assimilates new meanings
of our understanding of equality and human
rights grows with time.
People’s Power
In the words of Abraham Lincoln, democracy
is— “A government of the people, by the people
and for the people.” The supreme power lies
with the people. There is no authority superior to
the people of the country. This power to govern
is vested not in any particular class or classes, but
in the members of the community as a whole.
The people reacted with a massive democracy
movement against the king’s rule. As a result, the
Look at some of the recent people’s movements king restored the dissolved House of Representa-
for democracy in different parts of the world. tives. He was also forced to give up power.
Movement Country Year Marking a big step towards democracy, on 18
May 2006, the newly resumed House of
Indonesian Revolution Indonesia 1998
Representatives unanimously voted to strip the
Bulldozer Revolution Yugoslavia 2000 king of most of his powers, including his position
as the Supreme Commander of the Army. This
Rose Revolution Georgia 2003
day is now known as the Democracy Day in
Orange Revolution Ukraine 2004-05
Nepal. On 28 May 2008, Nepal was declared
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