Page 23 - SST Class 07
P. 23

languages  spoken  by  the  common  people.
             Apabhramsha literally means something which is
             broken or crooked and referred to the languages
             of the people as against classical Sanskrit which
             was  the  language  of  the  educated  higher  caste.
             The  early  forms  of  Marathi  and  Gujarati  were
             being  spoken  in  western  India  and  Bengali  in
             eastern India.

             Every important king and every powerful feuda-
                                                                         Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho
             tory built a temple. There are many hundreds of
             temples,  small  and  big,  which  belong  to  this    of mural painting continued to be used to deco-
             period.  In  Orissa,  the  more  impressive  looking   rate the walls of temples and places. There was
             ones are those at Puri and Bhubaneswar and the         another type of paintings which was to become
             Sun Temple at Konark.                                  extremely popular in the later period of Mughals.
                                                                    This  was  miniature  painting,  that  is,  painting
                                                                    small pictures as illustrations to books. The Jaina
                                                                    monks  of  western  India  and  the  Buddhists  in
                                                                    Nepal  and  eastern  India  were  very  fond  of
                                                                    illustrating their manuscripts. They painted small
                                                                    pictures  on  the  palm-leaf  page  showing  the
                                                                    scenes described in the text. At first, the pictures
                                                                    were  simple,  but  slowly  they  began  to  put  in
                                                                    more  and  more  details  and  colours,  until  each
                                                                    picture became a fine painting in itself.

                       Lingaraj Temple, Bhubaneswar                 The period from 800 AD to 1200 AD saw many
                                                                    changes  in  the  social  and  economic  life  of  the
             The  temples  at  Khajuraho  in  central  India  were
                                                                    people. These changes created a new pattern of
             built  by  the  Chandella  kings.  Rajasthan  and
                                                                    living.  It  was  also  the  period  which  saw  similar
             Gujarat  also  boasted  of  many  fine  temples.  At
                                                                    things happening in north and south India. This
             Mount  Abu  (in  Rajasthan),  there  is  a  group  of
             Jain  temples  built  in  white  marble.  Most  of  the
             temples  were  dedicated  to  either  Shiva  or
             The  Pala  kings  were  patrons  of  Buddhism  and
             Hinduism.  Their  religious  buildings  were  orna-
             mented  with  images  of  various  deities  either
             made  of  bronze  or  carved  from  a  local  black
             stone. Many of these images have been found in
             the neighbourhood of Nalanda.

             Apart from architecture and sculpture, the art of                    Pillars of Jain Temple,
             painting  was  also  practiced.  The  older  tradition                     Mount Abu

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