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Among all the groups in the society, the Shudras       where  the  higher  caste  children  were  taught.
             had the most difficult life. They were the poorest     Most  of  them  learnt  Sanskrit  and  Mathematics
             because most of them were either cultivators or        and  read  the  religious  books.  At  Nalanda  (in
             peasants.  All  over  the  world  at  this  time,  the   Bihar), there was a famous Buddhist monastery
             peasants were badly treated. The serfs in Europe,      and  university.  In  the  Gupta  period,  there  had
             and  the  peasants  in  China  also  suffered.  They   been  a  keen  interest  in  all  aspects  of  learning,
             were  the  ones  who  produced  food  and,  there-     especially in science. But, the interest in science
             fore,  everyone  they  had  very  few  rights  and     was  now  declining.  Indian  scholars  were  not
             could not appear to anyone or protest against the      interested in making new discoveries. They were
             hardships which they had to bear. In India, they       content  to  go  on  repeating  what  were  already
             were  also  looked  down  upon  because  of  their     known. Even the knowledge that they had, was
             low  caste.  Sometimes,  when  they  were  very        often used for the wrong purposes. For example,
             badly treated, they tried to run away to a differ-     the discoveries of Aryabhatta in astronomy were
             ent  part  of  the  country.  But,  even  this  was    not  used  in  order  to  make  further  discoveries
             seldom possible.                                       about  the  earth,  the  sun  and  the  universe.
             Apart  from  the  Shudras,  there  were  the           Instead,  they  were  mixed  up  with  ignorant  and
             untouchables  who  continued  to  do  the  lowly       superstitious  ideas  about  astrology.  Indian
             work.                                                  medical knowledge had been world famous, but
                                                                    now new knowledge in this subject was stopped
                                                                    because it was said that anyone who touched a
             Even  before  Muhammd  Ghori,  Islam  had
                                                                    dead  body  would  lose  caste.  This  was  almost
             become popular in Sind, Multan and Lahore etc.
                                                                    unfortunate because in other parts of the world,
             In the rest of India, Hinduism prevailed. With the
                                                                    especially  in  the  Arab  countries  and  in  China,
             efforts  by  Shankaracharya,  Ramanujacharya,
                                                                    there  was  a  great  advancement  in  knowledge
             Kumaril Bhatt, Mahadevacharaya, etc. Hinduism
                                                                    during  this  period.  India  was,  therefore,  getting
             had just been reinvigorated. Other religions were
                                                                    left behind.
             Buddhism  and  Jainism,  but  both  of  them  were
                                                                    Sanskrit was still the language of learning and of
             declining.  Many  orthodox  people  believed  that
                                                                    literature.  Perhaps  the  most  popular  work  in
             God will come to their aid at the time of war or
                                                                    Sanskrit was the Katha-Saritasagara, a collection
                                                                    of stories. Biographies of kings were also written,
             In  the  12th  century,  a  progressive  and  popular
                                                                    such  as  Bilhana’s  Vikramankadeva-Charita.
             movement  started  in  India  known  as  the
                                                                    Kalhana’s  remarkable  history  of  Kashmir  called
             Lingayats who were the devotees of Shiva. They
                                                                    the  Rajatarangini  was  written  in  the  twelfth
             strongly criticised the caste system and boycotted
                                                                    century.  The  worship  of  Lord  Krishna  had
             practices like sacrifice, keeping fasts and going on
                                                                    increased in northern India and the story of the
             pilgrimage. In social sphere, they opposed child
                                                                    love  of  Radha  and  Krishna  was  very  popular.
             marriage and supported widow remarriage. But,
                                                                    Many  poems  were  written  on  this  theme  and
             the influence of this sect war very limited.
                                                                    Jayadeva’s Gita-Govinda was one of these.
                     EDUCATION AND LEARNING
                                                                    In  addition  to  Sanskrit,  other  languages  were
             The  Brahmins  were  responsible  not  only  for
                                                                    developing. These were to become the languages
             performing the religious ceremonies, but also for
                                                                    with  which  we  are  familiar  today  as  regional
             teaching.  The  schools  were  held  in  the  temples
                                                                    languages. They arose out of the Apabhramsha

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