Page 27 - SST Class 07
P. 27

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                                       The Delhi Sultanate

             The  transformation  of  Delhi  as  capital  had       to establish themselves in the subcontinent.
             started  way  before  1931.  This  transformation      Apart  from  coins,  monuments  and  inscriptions,
             came  into  action  after the  Delhi  Sultanate.  But,   one of the main sources of information about the
             what was the Delhi Sultanate? Who all were the         Delhi  Sultanate  are  the  Tawarikh  or  historical
             part of this Sultanate? Let us travel back in the      accounts  written  by  courtiers,  poets  and  other
             past and find out more on the Delhi Sultanate.         learned men who lived in the cities.
                   THE BEGINNING OF THE DELHI                            QUTB-UD-DIN AIBAK (1206-1210)
                               SULTANATE                            Qutb-ud-Dïn Aibak

             The Delhi Sultanate was a major Muslim sultan-         founded the Mamluk
             ate from the 13th to the 16th century in India. It     Dynasty in 1206. He was
             began  with  the  campaigns  of  Muizz-al-din          a central Asian Turk and a
             Muhammad  ibn  Sam  (Muhammad  of  Ghur;               former general for the
             brother of Sultan Ghiyas-al-Din of Ghur) and his       crumbling Ghurid
             lieutenant Qutb-ud-Din Aibak primarily between         Sultanate, a Persian
             1175 and 1206 respectively.                            dynasty that had ruled
             It was the victory against the Rajputs that began      over what is now Iran,
             the established the reign of the Delhi Sultanate.      Pakistan, northern India
             Until  the  end  of  12th  century,  it  was  Prithviraj   and Afghanistan .
                                                                                                  Qutb-ud-Dïn Aibak
             Chauhan who ruled on the Indian land. During           However,  Qutb-ud-Dïn’s
             his reign, Prithviraj Chauhan fought many battles      reign  was  short-lived,  as  were  many  of  his
             out of which both the battles of Tarain fought in      predecessors, and he died in 1210. The reign of
             the late 12th century were crucial. In both battles,   the  Mamluk  dynasty  passed  to  his  son-in-law
             he  fought  Muhammad  of  Ghur  of  the  Ghurid        Iltutmish who would go on to truly establish the
             dynasty of Afghanistan.                                sultanate in Delhi before his death in 1236.
             In the first battle of Tarain between Muhammad         During  that  time,  the  rulership  of  Delhi  was
             of Ghur and Prithviraj Chauhan and other Indian        knocked  into  chaos  as  four  descendants  of
             rulers that was fought in 1191 AD, Muhammad            Iltutmish  were  placed  on  the  throne  and  killed.
             of Ghur faced a harsh defeat and had to retreat.       Interestingly, the four-year reign of Razia Sultana
             And, in the second battle that was fought in 1192      — whom Iltutmish had nominated on his death
             AD, he returned and fought with more reinforce-        bed  —  serves  as  one  of  the  many  examples  of
             ments and a stronger army with an intention to         women in power in early Muslim culture.
             defeat  the  Rajputs  and  succeeded  in  doing  so.               ILTUTMISH (1210-36)
             This  defeat  ended  the  Rajputs’  supremacy  in      Iltutmish,  a  “slave  of  a  slave”  is  regarded  by
             north India and gave way for Turkish emperors          several  historians  as  the  real  founder  and

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