Page 32 - SST Class 07
P. 32

He writes the inhabitants of Delhi were forced to       raiding India was to seize the wealth of the Delhi
             leave their homes and shift to Devagiri. When a        Sultans. There was no
             search  was  made,  only  a  blind  and  a  cripple    one to stop this invasion.
             person  were  found.  At  night,  neither  any  lamp   Timur’s army ransacked
             could  be  seen  nor  any  smoke.  One  could  hear    and plundered the various
             the howling of the animals.                            towns on the way to
                                                                    Delhi. Timur, then,
                                                                    entered Delhi and looted
             In 1017 AD, at the behest of Sultan Mahmud of
                                                                    it, mercilessly killing
             Persia,  Al-Beruni  (Aka  Al-Beruni)  travelled  to
             India  to  learn  about  the  Hindus  and  to  discuss
                                                                    Timur’s invasion com-
             with  them  questions  of  religion,  science  and
                                                                    pletely exposed the
             literature and the very basis of their civilization.
                                                                    weakness of the Delhi               Timur
             He remained in India for thirteen years, studying
             and exploring.
                                                                                    LODI DYNASTY
             Al-Beruni’s scholarly work has not got the great
                                                                    The  Lodhi  Dynasty  under  the  Delhi  Sultanate
             recognition  it  deserves.  Not  for  nearly  eight
                                                                    was  the  first  Afghan  Pashtun  Dynasty  in  India
             hundred years would any other writer match Al-
                                                                    who ruled from AD 1451 to 1526. This dynasty
             Beruni’s  profound  understanding  of  almost  all
                                                                    replaced the Sayyid Dynasty and it was a period
             aspect of Indian life
                                                                    of  reforms  in  administration,  strengthening  the
             Al-Beruni was a true genius, he was renowned as
                                                                    army, gearing up the machinery of land revenue
             a mathematician and an astronomer prior to his
                                                                    administration,  expansion  and  improvement  of
             India mission and had successfully captured the
                                                                    the cultivation and welfare of the people.
             time  and  meaning  of  India  in  his  writing.  For
             instance, he gives the Hindu’s concept of God in              SIKANDER LODI (1489-1517)
             Chapter-II  of  his  ‘Tarikh  Al-Hind’  (History  of   The  most  important  Lodi  Sultan  was  Sikander
             India)  which  is  astonishingly  faithful  to  the    Lodi.  He  brought  the  nobles  under  his  control.
             complex definitions of the Hindus believes.            He  established  efficient  administrative  system.
                                                                    He  laid  great  emphasis  on  justice  and  all  the
             Al-Beruni not only studied Sanskrit literature, but
                                                                    highways  of  the  empire  were  made  safe  from
             also  met  many  Indian  mathematicians  and
                                                                    robbers  and  bandits.  The  prices  of  all  essential
             philosophers. It is rather ironic that some of the
             most  comprehensive  study  of  Indian  of  the
             middle ages is performed by an Islamic scholar.
             In his notes, we find  elaborate  descriptions  and
             discussions of divinity, literature and mathemati-
             cal equations.

                      TIMUR’S INVASION (1398)
             The weakness of the Delhi Sultanate was made
             even  worse  by  Timur’s  invasion  of  Delhi  (1398
             AD).  Timur  was  a  Turk,  but  he  could  claim  a
             blood relationship with changes. His motive for
                                                                                        Lodi Tomb

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